
Physiologic and Psychological Symptoms Experienced by Adults With Acute Leukemia: An Integrative Literature Review

Tara A. Albrecht

acute leukemia, symptoms, literature review
ONF 2014, 41(3), 286-295. DOI: 10.1188/14.ONF.286-295

Purpose/Objectives: To evaluate the current knowledge of symptoms experienced by adults with acute leukemia (AL) and provide evidence to inform practice and research.

Data Sources: Literature review using an electronic search supplemented by a hand search of current literature reporting the physiologic and/or psychological symptoms of patients with AL was conducted.

Data Synthesis: Because of the variability found in the methods and specific aims of the articles, a rating system was applied to score how strongly the findings contributed to meeting the aims of the research. This rating system was applied to assist the authors in analyzing the findings. Therefore, the articles that scored lower ultimately contributed less during the analysis phase.

Conclusions: Knowledge regarding the symptoms experienced by adults undergoing treatment is being slowly evaluated. However, to better understand and subsequently manage these symptoms, longitudinal research examining the symptom trajectories in this population is needed.

Implications for Nursing: Additional investigation into symptom characteristics will facilitate the development of tailored interventions to manage the temporal characteristics of symptoms for this population.

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