
Oncology Nurses and the Experience of Participation in an Evidence-Based Practice Project

Mary Fridman

Keville Frederickson

evidence-based practice, research use, professional issues, nursing administration
ONF 2014, 41(4), 382-388. DOI: 10.1188/14.ONF.382-388

Purpose/Objectives: To illuminate the experiences of oncology nurses who participated in an evidence-based practice (EBP) project in an institution with an EBP organizational structure.

Research Approach: A descriptive phenomenologic approach and in-depth interviews with each participant.

Setting: An oncology-focused academic medical center with an established organizational infrastructure for EBP.

Participants: 12 RNs working in an oncology setting who participated in an EBP project.

Methodologic Approach: Descriptive, qualitative phenomenologic approach through use of interviews and analysis of interview text.

Findings: Four essential themes (i.e., support, challenges, evolution, and empowerment) and 11 subthemes emerged that reflected nurses' professional and personal growth, as well as the creation of a culture of EBP in the workplace.

Conclusions: The participants described the EBP project as a positive, empowering personal and professional evolutionary experience with supports and challenges that resulted in improvements in patient care.

Interpretation: To the authors' knowledge, the current study is the first qualitative study to demonstrate improved nursing outcomes (e.g., professional growth, improved nursing performance) and nurses' perception of improved patient outcomes (e.g., ongoing healthcare collaboration, evidence-based changes in practice).

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