Instruments for Assessing Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: A Review of the Literature

Kristin R. Curcio, DNP, AGPCNP-BC, AOCNP®


Background: Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a common and often dose-limiting side effect of chemotherapy that can result in disability and poorer quality of life. However, no standardized measurement for CIPN exists. Clinicians often base decisions for dose modification or discontinuation of a chemotherapeutic agent on patient report of subjective symptoms and physical examination.

Objectives: This review is designed to identify valid and reliable assessment tools that measure or assess CIPN in adult patients receiving chemotherapy.

Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted using PubMed, CINAHL®, and Cochrane Library. Articles were included if their primary purpose was to evaluate the psychometric properties of scales to measure CIPN in adult patients with cancer receiving neurotoxic chemotherapeutic agents.

Findings: The search yielded 143 results, with 16 articles meeting criteria for inclusion in the review. Seven unique scales and their reduced and modified versions were examined. The majority of the questionnaires were evaluated in a single tumor type, primarily with taxanes and platinum compounds. No consensus exists on the most appropriate patient self-report scale for use in the general oncology population.

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