My Personal Journey With Ovarian Cancer Treatment: Caring and Chemotherapy Tips

Kim A. Decker, PhD, RN, CNS


Six years ago, I was diagnosed with stage IIIA ovarian low malignant cell potential cancer. It was the most shocking situation I have ever experienced. I didn’t realize I had any symptoms, except occasional back pain, which I attributed to starting a new workout program. I had scheduled an abdominal computerized tomography (CT) scan for recurrent microscopic hematuria, which my internist wanted to check. I was told I would hear the results in two days. Two hours after my CT scan, while I was eating ice cream and watching television, an on-call genitourinary doctor (who I did not personally know) called to tell me the good news—that I had kidney stones, thus the microscopic hematuria. However, the bad news was that I had ovarian cancer that had spread to my omentum. He said he would call my gynecologist right away.

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