Survivorship Care Preferences: A Pilot Study of Young Adults With Cancer

Adrienne Viola, MPH; Hannah-Rose Mitchell, MPH; Andrew Salner, MD; Eileen Gillan, MD; Jaime Rotatori, RN; Brenda Cartmel, PhD; Sheila Santacroce, PhD, RN, CPNP; Xiaomei Ma, PhD; Nina Kadan-Lottick, MD, MSPH


Background: Adolescents and young adults (AYAs) face increased risk for physical, social, and cognitive late complications of cancer therapy. Strategies are needed to better engage AYAs in survivorship research. 

Objectives: This study aimed to determine the feasibility of enrolling AYAs within six months of diagnosis to a survivorship study and assess their health concerns and survivorship care preferences.

Methods: Patients aged 15–34 years who were diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma, or sarcoma at three Connecticut hospitals from 2008–2011 were identified and recruited by mail. Participants and their physicians received a survivorship care plan. Participants completed surveys at 6 months and 18 months after diagnosis. 

Findings: Recruiting AYAs to survivorship research remains challenging, even when approaching them soon after diagnosis. Novel strategies are needed for nurses and other healthcare team members to engage AYAs in survivorship care and research.

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