The third edition of ONS’s Advanced Oncology Nursing Certification Review and Resource Manual prepares nurses for any Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation advanced oncology certification examination through an all-inclusive clinical resource. The book provides a thorough overview of oncology advanced practice and includes the framework from the recent American Association of Colleges of Nursing publication The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education, which re-envisions nursing education. Each chapter contains content on sample subjective, objective, and assessment and plan notes; case studies; and relevant nursing and interprofessional resources—with practice test questions similar in structure to the questions used in the exam.
The text is a valuable resource to oncology APNs, graduate nursing students, medical residents, physician assistants, and oncology nurses in clinical practice. Don’t wait to order the latest edition of the best-selling Advanced Oncology Nursing Certification Review and Resource Manual.