
Reiki as a Clinical Intervention in Oncology Nursing Practice

Larraine M. Bossi

Mary Jane Ott

Susan DeCristofaro

complementary and alternative therapies
CJON 2008, 12(3), 489-494. DOI: 10.1188/08.CJON.489-494

Oncology nurses and their patients are frequently on the cutting edge of new therapies and interventions that support coping, health, and healing. Reiki is a practice that is requested with increasing frequency, is easy to learn, does not require expensive equipment, and in preliminary research, elicits a relaxation response and helps patients to feel more peaceful and experience less pain. Those who practice Reiki report that it supports them in self-care and a healthy lifestyle. This article will describe the process of Reiki, review current literature, present vignettes of patient responses to the intervention, and make recommendations for future study.

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