
Development of an Outpatient Oncology Symptom Management Clinic

Kyra Whitmer

Jane Pruemer

Cheryl Wilhelm

Linda McCaig

Jennifer D. B. Hester

symptom management, symptom management clinic
CJON 2011, 15(2), 175-179. DOI: 10.1188/11.CJON.175-179

The Symptom Management Clinic (SMC) at University Hospital in Cincinnati, OH, was established to meet identified needs of patients with cancer seen in an outpatient setting. The initial step in the formation of the SMC consisted of the development of a business plan and the presentation of that business plan to the hospital administration. The development of clinic procedures using the creation of a guideline for pain management as an example is presented, as are medication reconciliation and patient teaching. Implications for clinical practice include the essential nature of collaborative relationships among medical oncologists, nursing, pharmacy, and administrative staff members. Interdisciplinary collaboration among the staff of the SMC facilitated referral to appropriate services within the institution and community.

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