
Safe Handling: Implementing Hazardous Drug Precautions

AnnMarie Walton

Susie Mason

Michele Busshart

Angela D. Spruill

Summer Cheek

Ashley Lane

Kathy Sabo

Amanda Taylor

hazardous drugs, hazardous handling, safe handling
CJON 2012, 16(3), 251-254. DOI: 10.1188/12.CJON.251-254

Occupational exposure to chemotherapy is a significant and ubiquitous danger to oncology nurses. The Oncology Clinical Nurse III/IV leadership group at the University of North Carolina Hospitals embarked on the challenge of a comprehensive standards review regarding personal protective equipment necessary when handling waste after hazardous drug administration. This review led to practice improvements in education, the use of chemotherapy-rated gloves when handling hazardous waste, and changes in the disposal options available to staff. A discharge teaching pamphlet on safe handling for the caregivers of patients receiving hazardous drugs was created and piloted.

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