Online Exclusive Article
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What Do I Say? Suicide Assessment and Management

Liz Cooke

Jennifer Gotto

Lina Mayorga

Marcia Grant

Rachel Lynn

depression, psychological intervention
CJON 2013, 17(1), E1-E7. DOI: 10.1188/13.CJON.E1-E7

The risk of suicide in the cancer population is real, and it requires nurses to be able to assess and manage such risk competently. This article supports the idea that oncology nurses need to be comfortable with identifying, assessing, and appropriately triaging depressed and possibly suicidal patients with cancer to appropriate specialists, given the increased risk of suicidal ideation and completion in the cancer population. The goal of this article is to help oncology nurses identify the specific risk factors for suicide in their patients with cancer, feel confident and prepared with an accurate assessment, and provide the necessary interventions.

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