
Putting Evidence Into Practice: Evidence-Based Interventions for Depression

Caryl D. Fulcher

Hee-Ju Kim

Patsy R. Smith

Tammie L. Sherner

depression, cancer, interventions
CJON 2014, 18(6), 26-37. DOI: 10.1188/14.CJON.S3.26-37

Depression is a distressing emotion that occurs during various times of the cancer trajectory. Depression often goes unrecognized and untreated, which can significantly affect cost, quality of life, and treatment adherence. The Oncology Nursing Society's Putting Evidence Into Practice depression project team reviewed current literature to identify evidence-based interventions to reduce depression in people with cancer. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions were evaluated, and opportunities for nurses to integrate recommendations into practice are offered in this article.

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