
Implementation and Evaluation of a High-Dose Cytarabine Neurologic Assessment Tool

Stephanie Szoch

Karen Snow Kaiser

neurologic assessment, documentation, clinical utility, high-dose cytarabine
CJON 2015, 19(3), 270-272. DOI: 10.1188/15.CJON.270-272

Patients receiving high-dose cytarabine as part of their chemotherapy regimen have a chance of experiencing neurotoxicities. Prompt identification of signs and symptoms can greatly reduce the chance of patients sustaining permanent neurologic damage. This article describes the development and successful implementation of an evidence-based, standardized neurologic assessment and documentation tool that was evaluated using a clinical utility questionnaire and an adherence audit.

At a Glance

  • Use of a standardized neurologic assessment and documentation method can aid in minimizing patient harm during chemotherapy administration.
  • An inpatient medical oncology unit formally assessed its clinical practices, identified deficiencies, and developed new assessment and documentation processes.
  • A clinical utility and knowledge questionnaire that involved the staff assessed existing practices, guided the development and evaluation of new assessment and documentation practices, and was helpful in successful implementation of a complex practice change.
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