Novel Approaches

Behavioral and Neurologic Assessment: Using the National Institutes of Health Toolbox

Laura McLaughlin

Suzanne M. Mahon
NIH Toolbox, behavioral assessment, neurologic assessment, instruments
CJON 2017, 21(1), 30-33. DOI: 10.1188/17.CJON.30-33

Cognition, psychological well-being, stress, functional status, and pain are all priority outcomes of interest to oncology nurses. However, it can be challenging to choose an instrument for clinical assessment or for use in research projects that assess these constructs. The National Institutes of Health Toolbox for Assessment of Neurological and Behavioral Function was created for measuring emotional health and cognitive, motor, and sensory function. The toolbox can be a potentially useful resource for clinicians and nurse researchers.


  • The National Institutes of Health Toolbox for Assessment of Neurological and Behavioral Function includes a variety of measures of cognitive, emotional, motor, and sensory function, which may be of interest to oncology nurses.
  • The toolbox can facilitate and advance clinical nursing research and practice with the consistent use of standardized measures of assessment and evaluation.
  • The toolbox is readily available, with detailed instructions for use and options to store data for later analysis.
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