
Energy Through Motion©: An Activity Intervention for Cancer-Related Fatigue in an Ambulatory Infusion Center

Linda Abbott

Mary C. Hooke

cancer fatigue, exercise, physical activity, behavior, adherence
CJON 2017, 21(5), 618-626. DOI: 10.1188/17.CJON.618-626

Background: Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) occurs in most people with cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Physical activity (PA) is safe and effective in reducing CRF in people with cancer.

Objectives: This project involved the implementation and evaluation of a three-month PA program to maintain or improve CRF and quality of life.

Methods: Activity trackers and resistance bands were provided to participants. Verbal instruction, printed material, activity videos, and text messages were used in this program. Participants completed a fatigue assessment; self-reported PA measure; and measure of attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge about sustaining regular PA pre- and postimplementation.

Findings: 51 patients enrolled in the study, and 39 completed the program. Participants’ fatigue did not worsen significantly during the three months, and self-reported activity levels increased, but not significantly. The activity tracker, text messages, and personal connection with nursing staff were reported to be helpful.

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