Advanced Practice

Pain Management: Strategies for Screening and Monitoring Patients Receiving Chronic Opioid Therapy

safety, chronic opioid therapy, pain management, misuse, abuse
CJON 2017, 21(6), 669-672. DOI: 10.1188/17.CJON.669-672

The current state of pain management within the oncology setting, effectiveness of opioids for the relief of pain, and limited alternatives for chronic pain management have produced reliance on opioid medications with an inherent risk for aberrant behavior. Although standardization is lacking among prescribers who manage cancer-related pain, advanced practice RNs must act according to the available evidence that suggests assessing and monitoring for abuse and misuse.


  • Appropriate and safe prescribing must be at the forefront of practice for every prescriber.
  • Every patient is exposed to a degree of risk when treated with opioids for pain.
  • Interventions and diagnostic tools assess risk and monitor for aberrant behavior related to chronic opioid therapy.
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