Supportive Care

Closing the Gaps: Addressing the Unmet Needs of Cancer Survivors

Debra E. Loacker

Kathleen Shannon-Dorcy

Emily Jo Rajotte

Joli Bartell

cancer survivor, education, late effects, long-term effects
CJON 2024, 28(3), 241-246. DOI: 10.1188/24.CJON.241-246

Moving Beyond Cancer to Wellness is a patient- and caregiver-focused educational outreach event with an inspirational message and lectures that address common concerns among cancer survivors. This event is open to the community and offers a keynote speaker, breakout sessions on specific survivorship topics, and a patient panel. This typically in-person event was held virtually in 2020 and 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but returned to the in-person format in 2022. As demonstrated by consistently strong attendance and high satisfaction results, this community-based educational event has been successful in communicating survivorship information to cancer survivors and their families.

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