
Engaging Nurse Residents Through Poetry

Samantha Minasian

Janelle Kronenfeld

Tina M. Mason

nurse residents, oncology, poetry, reflection
CJON 2024, 28(5), 502-505. DOI: 10.1188/24.CJON.502-505

Oncology nurse residents write legacy letters to future cohorts in the 11th month as a reflection on their transition year, focusing on lessons learned and advice gleaned. This article explores poetry as an alternative to legacy letters. The limerick writing assignment was well received. Legacy messages provided a deeper understanding of residents’ experiences, subsequently guiding curriculum improvement. Changes included beginning a dialogue in the first month on the importance of self-care, handling emotions, and incorporating evidence-based, cognitive behavioral skills- building. First-year nurse resident turnover rates in year 1 decreased from 14% (2019) to 5% (2022).

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