Nurse educators (NEs) are responsible for providing continuing education to nurses, who are expected to remain knowledgeble in the diagnosis and management strategies of a range of cancers. Remaining abreast of up-to-date information can be a challenge. Part I of the e-mentorship program was developed in 2009 to provide NEs with the latest updates and educational materials to enhance multiple myeloma (MM) nursing knowledge. The second phase was completed in January 2011. Faculty developed four modules: overview of MM, peripheral neuropathy, bone health, and overview of transplantation. Seventeen MM nurses were identified to participate as mentors and partner with 34 mentees. Mentees were trained through monographs, journal articles, webcasts, and telephone communication, and then they presented the modules to their nurses. All mentees were asked to participate in voluntary pre- and post-test assessments to measure improved knowledge and clinical competence in the management of patients with MM. A significant improvement in post-test scores, as compared to pretest scores, was seen; therefore, nurses who participated in the e-mentorship program demonstrated improved knowledge. In the future, this type of educational program should be expanded to other cancer types.