A Demonstration Project to Increase the Awareness of Cancer Clinical Trials Among Community-Dwelling Seniors

Heidi E. Ehrenberger

Jamie R. Breeden

Mary E. Donovan

ONF 2003, 30(4), E80-E83. DOI: 10.1188/03.ONF.E80-E83

Purpose/Objectives: To describe the planning, implementation, and evaluation of an educational program to increase the awareness of cancer clinical trials among community-dwelling seniors in a southeastern metropolitan community.

Data Sources: Published articles, research findings, conference proceedings, government-issued educational materials, and clinical experiences with patient recruitment and enrollment.

Data Synthesis: The elderly are underrepresented significantly in cancer clinical trials. Often, patients and the lay public are not aware of clinical trials or have misconceptions about research. Community outreach efforts represent one viable strategy to close this knowledge gap.

Conclusions: Local communities can build partnerships to identify creative methods for disseminating materials about clinical trials.

Implications for Nursing: Oncology nurses can create and participate in partnerships that communicate information about cancer clinical trials within their local communities.

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