Behavioral Adjustment of Children and Adolescents With Cancer: Teacher, Parent, and Self-Report

Ida M. Ki Moore

Julia Challinor

Alice E Pasvogel

Katherine Matthay

John Hutter

Kris Kaemingk

ONF 2003, 30(5), E84-E91. DOI: 10.1188/03.ONF.E84-E91

Purpose/Objectives: To describe behavioral adjustment in children and adolescents with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and to determine whether behavioral adjustment is correlated with cognitive and academic abilities.

Design: Descriptive, cross-sectional design.

Setting: Two pediatric oncology treatment centers.

Sample: 47 children and adolescents who had been receiving ALL therapy for at least one year or who were off therapy for no more than three years and their parents and teachers. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) and Wide Range Achievement Test-Revised (WRAT-R) data were available on a subset of 17 subjects.

Methods: Parent, teacher, and self-report Behavioral Assessment System for Children (BASC) ratings were used to measure behavioral adjustment. WISC-R measured cognitive abilities, and WRAT-R measured academic abilities. Demographic, family, and treatment-related data also were collected.

Main Research Variables: Behavioral adjustment and cognitive and academic abilities.

Findings: At least 20% of teacher ratings for somatization, learning problems, leadership, and study skills; parent ratings for somatization, adaptability, attention problems, withdrawal, anxiety, social skills, and depression; and self-report ratings for anxiety and attitude to school were in the at-risk range (i.e., presence of significant problems that require treatment). The majority of teacher BASC ratings were correlated significantly with WISC-R and WRAT-R scores. Self-report depression and social stress ratings were correlated significantly with some WISC-R and WRAT-R scores. Treatment-related experiences such as body image alterations and mental and emotional problems were associated with problematic behaviors, including depression, somatization, withdrawal, and social stress.

Conclusions: Youth with ALL are at risk for some behavioral adjustment problems, particularly anxiety, somatization, adaptability, attention, and withdrawal. Cognitive and academic abilities are associated with some dimensions of behavioral adjustment.

Implications for Nursing: Findings suggest the need for ongoing assessment of behavioral adjustment and cognitive and academic abilities of children with ALL. Behavioral interventions that target at-risk mannerisms, such as somatization, depression, anxiety, and social stress, are needed. Central nervous system treatment may contribute to behavioral adjustment problems, as well as to cognitive and academic problems. Strategies to improve academic abilities also may have a positive effect on behavioral adjustment.

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