
Old Roots and New Growth

Anne Katz

ONF 2012, 39(3), 235-235. DOI: 10.1188/12.ONF.235

Spring is in the air as I write this, my first editorial for the Oncology Nursing Forum. I have been thinking about this column a lot over the past months; during the application and interview process I dreamed that this day would happen and, over the past few weeks as I dipped my toes into the reality of being the editor of this esteemed journal, I thought about what I would write. A new person in an established role is an opportunity for change, and hopefully growth, too. But the buds of spring cannot develop without the support and sustenance of the roots, and I want to begin this editorial by thanking Susan Moore, RN, MSN, ANP, AOCN®, for her leadership and grace during the past two years of her acting editorship. Over the past few months, she has been the warm voice at the other end of the telephone, often very early in the morning, when I needed guidance or practical assistance. As someone who loves words, I find myself searching for the right words to express my gratitude to her, and I am left with just two—thank you!

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