Purpose/Objectives: To discuss the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) framework and its relationship to oncology nursing.
Data Synthesis: NIC is a standardized language that identifies all interventions performed by nurses. The three-tiered taxonomy consists of six domains, 27 classes, and 433 interventions with related nursing activities. Each intervention consists of a label describing the concept, the definition of the concept, and a set of representative activities or actions.
Conclusions: Although differences exist in the core interventions identified by the Oncology Nursing Society and the Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses as critical to their practice, the NIC research team, after surveying both organizations, found numerous similarities in the possibilities for clinical application.
Implications for Nursing Practice: NIC provides a standardized language to enable oncology nurses to describe and demonstrate their work and contributions to lawmakers, healthcare policy makers, and the public.