
Sun-Protective Behaviors: An Educational Intervention With Hospital Staff Aimed at Skin Cancer Prevention in Children

Amy F. Bruce

Theresa Cowan

skin cancer, prevention, educational intervention, system change
CJON 2020, 24(1), 75-80. DOI: 10.1188/20.CJON.75-80

Background: Melanoma incidence and mortality rates are predicted to steadily increase. Sun protection is important during early development because of the potential for overexposure to ultraviolet radiation while outdoors.

Objectives: The purpose of this project was to design, implement, and evaluate an educational intervention provided to healthcare professionals (HCPs) with the intention of influencing the behaviors of child populations served.

Methods: The project evaluated HCPs’ baseline knowledge about sun-protective behaviors, their level of knowledge regarding sun-protective behaviors postintervention, their intent to change behavior, and the feasibility of implementing behavior change within the organization.

Findings: Pre- to post-test knowledge significantly increased. All participants reported that they would encourage children’s sunscreen usage, and 98% reported that they would support the behavior change; however, 35% indicated likeliness that they would personally use sunscreen or sun-protection methods.

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