
Central Line Care: Reducing Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infections on a Hematologic Malignancy and Stem Cell Transplant Unit

Josephine Beaudry

Kathleen ScottoDiMaso

central line–associated bloodstream infection, central line care, staff education
CJON 2020, 24(2), 148-152. DOI: 10.1188/20.CJON.148-152

Background: Patients with hematologic malignancies and stem cell transplant recipients are at increased risk for infections because of their prolonged periods of profound neutropenia. Central line–associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) can result in lengthy hospitalizations, increased healthcare costs, and increased morbidity and mortality.

Objectives: The aim of this comprehensive educational training program was to reduce CLABSI rates by focusing on the standardized practices associated with use, care, and maintenance of all types of central lines.

Methods: A pretest was administered to nursing staff. Based on the responses, an education program was then created. The program consisted of a comprehensive two-hour class using different modalities of teaching, including standardized practices associated with central line care.

Findings: The comprehensive education program was effective in standardizing education and improving knowledge gaps, resulting in the reduction of CLABSI rates. Overall, staff knowledge surrounding central line care and maintenance increased by 16%. In addition, no CLABSI events have been reported on the unit from the time of program initiation.

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