
Lung Cancer Screening: Development and Replication of a Decentralized Program to Increase Access

Carolyn Austin

lung cancer screening, program development, oncology nursing, outcomes
CJON 2021, 25(5), 523-529. DOI: 10.1188/21.CJON.523-529

Background: Throughout its evolution, lung cancer screening has remained an evidence-based tool to detect earlier-stage disease and improve survival. Many lung cancer screening programs are planned and developed in one central location, which limits patient access.

Objectives: The purpose was to develop necessary and complex decentralized program components in affiliation with a large cancer care delivery system and a regional community hospital network in northeast Florida.

Methods: A program was pilot tested among five geographically diverse primary care offices for three years. The role of oncology nursing was crucial to achieve quality and efficacy in program development, regulatory compliance, and screening outcomes.

Findings: The program resulted in an increase in lung cancer screenings within the large healthcare network. The percentage of early-stage lung cancers identified increased, which led to improved patient outcomes and survival.

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