Factors Affecting Quality of Life for Korean American Cancer Survivors: An Integrative Review

Hyojin Yoon, PhD, RN; Linda Chatters, PhD; Tsui-Sui Annie Kao, PhD, FNP-BC; Denise Saint-Arnault, PhD, RN, FAAN; and Laurel Northouse, PhD, RN


Problem Identification: Understanding of Korean American cancer survivors' quality of life (QOL) within a cultural context is limited. This article examines factors associated with the QOL of Korean American cancer survivors.

Literature Search: A systematic literature search was conducted of PubMed, CINAHL®, Google Scholar, and EBSCO databases from January 2000 to January 2014.

Data Evaluation: The studies were assessed for the relevance to the purpose of the review. Each study was rated on a two-point scale using an 11-item quality criteria checklist.

Synthesis: The 13 studies that met the criteria for inclusion included 7 descriptive, 5 qualitative, and 1 mixed-method.

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