Assessing the Impact of Acupuncture on Pain, Nausea, Anxiety, and Coping in Women Undergoing a Mastectomy

Jessica Quinlan-Woodward, RN, BSN; Autumn Gode, MS, APRN, CNS; Jeffery A. Dusek, PhD; Adam S. Reinstein, LAc, MAOM; Jill R. Johnson, PhD, MPH; and Sue Sendelbach, PhD, APRN, CNS, FAHA, FAAN


Purpose/Objectives: To compare the effect of acupuncture to a standard-of-care (control) group on pain, nausea, anxiety, and ability to cope.

Design: Pilot randomized, controlled trial.

Setting: Abbott Northwestern Hospital, a large, urban, tertiary care hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Sample: 30 adult women undergoing surgery for breast cancer.

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