Purpose/Objectives: To examine the effects of spirituality (meaning in life and prayer) on a sense of well-being among women who have had breast cancer.
Design: Descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional.
Setting: Rural and urban communities in central Texas.
Sample: Convenience sample of 84 women, 34-80 years of age diagnosed less than one year previously (36%), within the previous one to five years (38%), and more than five years previously (26%).
Methods: The study approach consisted of completing a questionnaire assessing personal and cancer characteristics, aspects of spirituality (meaning in life and prayer), and physical and psychological responses to breast cancer.
Main Research Variables: Meaning in life, prayer, and physical and psychological responses to breast cancer.
Findings: Meaning in life was positively related to psychological responses and negatively related to physical responses. Prayer was positively related to psychological well-being. Women with higher prayer scale scores reported lower education levels, less income to meet their needs, and closer relationships with God. Meaning in life mediated the impact of breast cancer on physical and psychological well-being.
Conclusions: Strong relationships exist among spirituality and personal and cancer characteristics. Meaning in life mediated the effects of breast cancer on well-being in breast cancer survivors.
Implications for Nursing: The findings support healthcare providers encouraging women diagnosed with breast cancer to explore their spirituality as an effective resource for dealing with the physical and psychological responses to cancer.
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