
Comparison of Factors Affecting Repeat Mammography Screening of Low-Income Mexican American Women

Gloria Lopez-McKee

Jeanette A. McNeill

Julia O. Bader

Pat Morales

mammography, Latina, cancer screening
ONF 2008, 35(6), 941-947. DOI: 10.1188/08.ONF.941-947

Purpose/Objectives: To examine the level of cancer fatalism and other sociocognitive behavioral determinants in Mexican American women categorized as regular mammography screeners and infrequent mammography screeners.

Design: Cross-sectional, descriptive.

Setting: A southwestern American city on the U. S.-Mexico border.

Sample: 68 Mexican American women with low incomes recruited from a cancer consortium database.

Methods: Women who had been identified as regular or infrequent screeners based on screening history were contacted and invited to participate in a telephone survey. Participation consisted of completing the Powe Fatalism Inventory (PFI) and the Mammography Beliefs and Attitudes Questionnaire (MBAQ) in English or Spanish.

Main Research Variables: Total scores on the PFI and total scores on each of the MBAQ subscales.

Findings: Differences between the two groups were noted in cancer fatalism, perceived control over their participation in screening activities, and family history of cancer. No significant differences were noted in demographic characteristics.

Conclusions: Cancer fatalism, generally believed to be highly related to socioeconomic status, may be mediated by women's perceptions of control over screening behavior or choices and by family history of cancer.

Implications for Nursing: Further research is needed to explore cancer fatalism among Hispanic women, including other factors that can affect the level of cancer fatalism and perceived control over mammography screening participation. With this knowledge, culturally sensitive interventions may be developed to increase self-efficacy and facilitate perceived control.

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