Guest Editorial

40 Years in the Making

Barbara A. Sigler

education, nursing research
ONF 2012, 40(1), 9-9. DOI: 10.1188/13.ONF.9

Believe it or not, the Oncology Nursing Forum (ONF) celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2013, and the first question that many of you may have is, "How can ONF be entering its 40th year when the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) is only 38 years old?" In short, those wise leaders who determined the need for an organization of nurses specializing in the care of patients with cancer began their efforts in 1973 with a newsletter called the Cancer Nursing Newsletter. That first newsletter changed names rather rapidly, becoming the Oncology Nursing Newsletter in 1974, the Newsletter of the Oncology Nursing Society in 1975, and the Oncology Nursing Society Newsletter in 1976. Finally, in 1977, it was renamed Oncology Nursing Forum.

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