Supportive Care

Decision Aids: Assisting Patients With Multiple Myeloma and Caregivers With Treatment Decision Making

Bojan Kojovic

Joseph D. Tariman
multiple myeloma, decision aids, shared decision making, decision support techniques
CJON 2017, 21(6), 660-664. DOI: 10.1188/17.CJON.660-664

A consolidated evaluation of resources on treatment decision aids (DAs) for multiple myeloma (MM) is lacking in the literature. This review identified 29 published DAs. Further analysis of these DAs revealed that the personal values and preferences of patients with MM are not well integrated into the development of these DAs, indicating the need for a more explicit shared decision-making model of MM care delivery. The development and testing of a web-based and individualized treatment DA will likely promote a shared decision-making process in clinical practice, improve patient satisfaction with treatment decisions, and decrease decisional regrets in patients newly diagnosed with MM.


  • Future DAs for patients with MM must be web-based and incorporate patients’ values and preferences for treatment.
  • The shared decision-making model for MM treatment should be built in as an interactive feature of the DA.
  • Future DAs must be based on high-level evidence, such as data from systematic reviews or randomized, controlled trials.
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