Quality & Safety

USP <800>: Gaining Compliance Through Implementation of a Hazardous Drug Control Program

Kelley Blake

hazardous drug, USP <800>, personal protective equipment, compliance, safe handling
CJON 2019, 23(3), 324-326. DOI: 10.1188/19.CJON.324-326

Medical facilities in the United States are faced with the challenge of meeting the December 2019 requirements of U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention General Chapter <800> (USP <800>) Hazardous Drugs—Handling in Healthcare Settings. A 300-bed hospital in western Washington formed a practice improvement group to address the requirements of USP <800>. The development of a hazardous drug control program at the hospital not only met the requirements of USP <800> but also helped staff members understand what hazardous drugs are and the safety measures that are necessary when handling them.


  • To meet the requirements of USP <800>, healthcare organizations will need to provide appropriate personal protective equipment, specific engineering controls, and education for staff who handle hazardous drugs.
  • Using a hazardous drug risk assessment tool is a critical step for a thorough gap analysis. 
  • An interprofessional approach to creating a hazardous drug program can help to ensure that requirements are met for USP <800>.
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