Advanced Practice

Productivity Measures: Empowering Oncology Nurse Practitioners to Understand and Demonstrate Value in Practice

advanced practice nurse, relative value unit, visit volume, productivity measure
CJON 2021, 25(3), 247-250. DOI: 10.1188/21.CJON.247-250

Oncology nurse practitioners (ONPs) are essential providers of oncology care who work in a variety of practice settings. ONPs add to productivity in practice, but the way in which productivity is measured may not capture their full contributions and value. A greater understanding of productivity measures can empower ONPs to communicate and demonstrate their full value in practice.


  • As providers of oncology care, ONPs need to understand the way in which their productivity in practice is measured. 
  • Many factors contribute to challenges in measuring the full contributions and value of ONPs. 
  • Understanding the ways in which productivity can be measured and the challenges in applying those measures can empower ONPs to better show their value in practice.
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