Evolving Foundations

Artificial Intelligence: Basics, Impact, and How Nurses Can Contribute

Britney Starr

Erin Dickman

Joni L. Watson
artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, technology
CJON 2023, 27(6), 595-601. DOI: 10.1188/23.CJON.595-601

Applying artificial intelligence (AI) to cancer care has the potential to transform and enhance nursing practice and patient outcomes, from cancer prevention and screening through treatment, survivorship, and end-of-life care. As the largest healthcare workforce, nurses record a significant amount of patient data used to train healthcare AI tools and are a large percentage of AI end users. Educational opportunities are available to assist nurses in understanding the benefits, limitations, and ethical considerations of this technology and how AI results are directly affected by the quality of nursing documentation. Applying nursing clinical knowledge and critical thinking skills throughout the AI life cycle will enhance nursing workflows and increase positive patient outcomes.


  • Oncology nurses require basic knowledge about AI to keep pace with healthcare technology advancements. 
  • AI applied to health care has benefits, limitations, and ethical considerations.
  • Oncology nurses’ expertise and partnership with technology teams throughout the AI development life cycle can improve end products and results.
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