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Travier, N., Velthuis, M.J., Steins Bisschop, C.N., van den Buijs, B., Monninkhof, E.M., Backx, F., . . . May, A.M. (2015). Effects of an 18-week exercise programme started early during breast cancer treatment: A randomised controlled trial. BMC Medicine, 13, 121. 

Study Purpose

To examine the effects of an 18-week exercise program on preventing an increase in fatigue. The intervention is offered early after diagnosis and incorporated into the daily clinical practice setting.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

An 18-week exercise program (two 60 minute aerobic and strength exercise session per week and including cognitive behavioral principles) supervised by a physical therapist. The control arm of usual care maintained their usual physical activity pattern for 18 weeks and then could participate in an exercise program.

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 164  
  • MEAN AGE: 49.7 years
  • FEMALES: 100%
  • KEY DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Breast cancer diagnosis less than six weeks before recruitment; scheduled for chemotherapy; stage M0; performance status > 60
  • OTHER KEY SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: No contraindications for physical activity


  • SITE: Multi-site    
  • SETTING TYPE: Outpatient    
  • LOCATION: Netherlands

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • PHASE OF CARE: Active antitumor treatment

Study Design

  • Two-arm, randomized controlled trial using computer generated 1:1 randomization

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Quantitative data of outcome assessments at baseline, 18, and 36 weeks postintervention.
  • Fatigue: Multidisciplinary Fatigue Inventory (MFI) and Fatigue Quality List (FQL
  • Quality of Life: EORTC QOL Core-30 and SF-36®
  • Anxiety/Depression: Validated Dutch language version of the 20-item Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale
  • Aerobic capacity by cardiopulmonary exercise test with continuous breathing gas analysis; thigh muscle strength by Cybex dynameter; handgrip strength by mechanical handgrip dynameter; body weight/height and physical activity level by Short Questionnaire to Assess Health Enhancing Physical Activity (SQUASH)


Effects were based on an intention-to-treat analysis using within-group and between-group differences. On the MFI, the only between-group difference seen was a lower increase in physical fatigue at 18 weeks in the intervention group. Although there were decreases in general and mental fatigue in the intervention group at 18 weeks, there was no significant between-group differences. There was no between-group difference on the FQL. The EORTC and Hospital Anxiety/Depression Scale showed decreased QOL, decreased anxiety, and increased depression in both groups at 18 weeks with no between-group difference and improvement in both groups at 36 weeks with decreased improvement in the intervention group. Aerobic capacity and muscle strength were improved in the intervention group at 18 weeks but not at 36 weeks.


An exercise program offered early in the treatment phase of breast cancer appears to positively impact physical fatigue, aerobic capacity, and muscle strength.


  • Key sample group differences that could influence results
  • Intervention expensive, impractical, or training needs
  • Subject withdrawals of 10% or greater 
  • Other limitations/explanation:  The control group may have had a high baseline activity level that continued throughout the study. Multiple measurements make interpretation difficult. Requires resources to implement exercise program.

Nursing Implications

There is an opportunity to continue to study the effect of exercise on fatigue in all patients with cancer. It may be challenging to implement a structured exercise program in clinical practice.


Tramsen, L., Salzmann-Manrique, E., Bochennek, K., Klingebiel, T., Reinhardt, D., Creutzig, U., . . . Lehrnbecher, T. (2016). Lack of effectiveness of neutropenic diet and social restrictions as anti-infective measures in children with acute myeloid leukemia: An analysis of the AML-BFM 2004 trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34, 2776–2783. 

Study Purpose

To evaluate the impact of dietary and social restrictions on infections among children participating in a clinical trial

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Data on infectious complications were abstracted from medical records at the institutions where the patients were treated. At the same time, an international survey was conducted regarding practices in restricting social contacts, pets at home, and food diets. Analysis was conducted by linking institutional survey results with associated patient infection–related outcome data.

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 339   
  • AGE RANGE = 0–18 years, 30% were between 1–18 years
  • MALES: 50%, FEMALES: 50%
  • CURRENT TREATMENT: Chemotherapy
  • KEY DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: All had acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
  • OTHER KEY SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: 59% were deemed high risk for neutropenia


  • SITE: Multi-site   
  • SETTING TYPE: Multiple settings    
  • LOCATION: International

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • PHASE OF CARE: Multiple phases of care
  • APPLICATIONS: Pediatrics

Study Design

  • Cohort comparison, retrospective

Measurement Instruments/Methods

Infection was defined as clinical signs and symptoms associated with the institution of antibiotics, an isolated pathogen, or an identified infection site though a physical exam or imaging study.


A wide variety of restrictions existed. Over 90% were restricted from attending kindergarten or school, and more than 80% were restricted from eating raw seafood or meat. Higher restriction of social contacts was associated with an increased incidence of bactermia (incidence rate ratio [IRR] = 1.21, p = 0.003). Higher restriction of pets at home was associated with a decreased incidence of pneumonia (IRR = 0.86, p = 0.05). No relationship was observed between food restriction and infections. When adjusted for age, risk stratification, and antibiotic prophylaxis, none of the restrictions used were associated with infections. Patients who were overweight (p = 0.002) or underweight (p = 0.028) had higher risks of infection.


The restriction of social contact, pets at home, and the use of dietary restrictions were not significantly associated with the decreased incidence of infections.


  • Risk of bias (no control group)
  • Risk of bias (no blinding)
  • Risk of bias (no random assignment)
  • Key sample group differences that could influence results


Nursing Implications

The findings suggest that strict neutropenic diets; restrictions of social contact, such as school attendance; and restriction of pets at home do not reduce infections in pediatric patients with neutropenia. These policies need to be questioned and evaluated further for their effects on overall clinical and quality-of-life outcomes.


Toth, C. (2010). Substitution of gabapentin therapy with pregabalin therapy in neuropathic pain due to peripheral neuropathy. Pain Medicine, 11, 456–465.

Study Purpose

The goal of the study was to determine utility of substitution of pregabalin for gabapentin therapy in relief of neuropathic pain.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

All patients starting on gabapentin and all patients already using gabapentin as monotherapy were offered the choice of replacing their gabapentin with pregabalin. Comparison was made between the groups switched to pregabalin and a cohort group of patients with peripheral neuropathy and pain receiving only gabapentin without a switch to pregabalin.

Sample Characteristics

  • The total sample consisted of 40 participants (68% female, 32% male).
  • The mean age of those classified as gabapentin responders was 57.3 years (SD = 9.2).
  • The mean age of those classified as nonresponders was 54.5 years (SD = 9.8).
  • The mean age of those in the gabapentin cohort was 58.4 years (SD = 11.1).
  • 38 patients were diabetic, 11 had MGUS, 6 had vitamin B12 deficiency, 34 had idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, 2 had autoimmune conditions, and 2 had multiple myeloma.


The study was conducted at a single site in Canada.

Study Design

Cohort study

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Toronto Clinical Scoring System (TCSS) was used to measure diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
  • EQ-5D: European Quality of Life–5 domains
  • EQ-5D VAS: European Quality of Life–Pain Visual Analog Scale


Both gabapentin responder and nonresponders groups had additional pain relief of about 25% following substitution of pregabalin after 6 and 12 months. The percentage of improvement on the EQ-5D VAS was significant (p < 0.025).


Findings show that pregabalin may provide pain relief in this patient population.


  • These patients had diabetic and/or five other possible causes of peripheral neuropathy.
  • No blinding in the study sample.
  • Small sample.
  • Few patients had cancer.

Nursing Implications

The findings support that notion that both pregabalin and gabapentin may provide pain relief in some patients with peripheral neuropathy. The majority of cases were patients with diabetes. Application to patients with cancer is unclear.


Toth, M., Marcantonio, E.R., Davis, R.B., Walton, T., Kahn, J.R., & Phillips, R.S. (2013). Massage therapy for patients with metastatic cancer: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 19, 650–656. 

Study Purpose

To determine the feasibility and effects of providing therapeutic massage at home for patients with metastatic cancer

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Massage therapy was the experimental intervention. Professional massage therapists provided the intervention in patients’ homes up to three times during the first week after enrollment. The duration of massage ranged from 15–45 minutes; the duration and amount of pressure was modified based on patients’ comfort. Control groups received either a no-touch intervention or usual care. The no-touch intervention consisted of massage therapists being with patients and holding hands without any healing intervention in their homes. Usual care did not include a home visit. Data were collected at baseline and four times after the intervention during a weekly assessment. 

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 39 (final sample); 20 received massage intervention, 10 received no-touch control, 9 received usual-care control
  • MEAN  AGE = 55.1 (SD = 11)
  • MALES: 18%, FEMALES: 82%
  • OTHER KEY SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: 56% had breast cancer.


  • SITE: Single site  
  • SETTING TYPE: Home    
  • LOCATION: Boston, MA; oncology clinics at a large urban academic medical center

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • PHASE OF CARE: End-of-life care
  • APPLICATIONS: Palliative care 

Study Design

  • Pilot randomized, controlled trial
    • No blinding

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)
  • Brief Pain Inventory-Short Form
  • Global measure of perceived stress


Massage therapy at home was a feasible intervention. The mean number of massage therapy sessions per patient was 2.8. There were no serious adverse events related to the interventions. There were no significant changes in the primary outcomes (i.e., pain, anxiety, and alertness). There were only trends toward improvement in pain and sleep of patients after therapeutic massage but not in patients in the control groups. Researchers identified a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients who received massage therapy after one-week follow-up, but the difference was not sustained at one month. 


The study shows that therapeutic massage at home is a feasible intervention. However, its effects on anxiety or pain were not conclusive. The small and uneven sample sizes across groups are a major weakness of the study. Although two measures were used for anxiety, the authors did not state which measures were used for the main analysis. Validity of measurements (i.e., alertness, and quality-of-life measure) is also problematic.


  • Small sample (< 30)
  • Risk of bias (no control group)
  • Measurement of validity/reliability questionable


Nursing Implications

The role of nurses for this intervention is not clear. The massage therapy given in the present study was a professional intervention.


Toseland, R.W., Blanchard, C.G., & McCallion, P. (1995). A problem solving intervention for caregivers of cancer patients. Social Science and Medicine, 40, 517–528.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

An experienced oncology social worker with a master’s degree in social work led six individual, one-hour counseling sessions. All participants attended at least four sessions. The sessions included three components: support, problem solving, and coping skills.

Sample Characteristics

  • The sample (N = 78) was comprised of caregivers of patients who had received a cancer diagnosis at least three months prior.
  • Patients scored a 1–3 on the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Global Performance Scale.


Regional medical oncology center

Study Design

The study was a properly designed randomized controlled trial: intervention (n = 38) versus standard available care (n = 40).

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Zarit Burden Inventory
  • Caregiving Mastery and Caregiving Satisfaction subscales of the Lawton Caregiving Appraisal Composite Scale
  • Montgomery and Borgatta Burden Scale
  • Center for Epidemiologic Studies–Depression Scale
  • State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
  • Dyadic Adjustment Scale (used to measure marital satisfaction)
  • Social Functioning Subscale of the Health and Daily Living Form (adapted; used to measure social support)
  • Medical Outcomes Study Short Form–20
  • Help Seeking Coping Index
  • Index of Coping Responses


For caregivers who reported high levels of burden, the intervention led to a significant improvement in their ability to cope with pressing problems. No main effects of the intervention were found on any outcome variable. For caregivers who reported low marital satisfaction, the intervention led to improvement in physical, role, and social functioning.


  • The study had a small sample, with only 27% of those eligible agreeing to participate.
  • The sample was primarily Caucasian.
  • Contamination of the control group was reported.

Torta, R., Siri, I., & Caldera, P. (2008). Sertraline effectiveness and safety in depressed oncological patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 16, 83–91.

Study Purpose

To examine the effectiveness and safety of the antidepressant sertraline (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) in treating somatic and emotional symptoms of depression in patients with cancer

To evaluate the effect of sertraline treatment on quality of life (QOL)

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

The intervention was a 12-week trial with a flexible dose regimen of sertraline. Patients started at a dosage of 25 mg/day, with a possible increase to 100 mg/day. The treatment response was assessed at baseline (T0), week 4 (T1), and week 12 (T2).

Sample Characteristics

  • The study reported on a sample of 35 patients with cancer.
  • Mean patient age was 51.97 years, with a range of 23–72 years (SD = 13.26).
  • The sample was 86% female and 14% male.
  • Cancer type was diverse, but the majority (54%) had breast cancer. Cancer stage was diverse, with relatively even distribution.
  • All patients were undergoing chemotherapy during the study, and all were diagnosed with mood disorder at baseline.


  • Single site
  • Outpatient setting

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

Patients were undergoing the active treatment phase of care.

Study Design

An open-label, noncomparative, prospective pilot study design was used.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS): To measure depression and anxiety
  • Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS): To measure depression
  • Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer (Mini-MAC) Scale: To measure psychological response to the diagnosis of cancer
  • Clinical Global Impression (CGI): To measure severity of psychological illness
  • Dosage Record and Treatment Emergent Symptom (DOTES) Scale: To measure adverse effects of the clinical treatments and their possible relation with the drug used
  • Quality of Life Index: To measure QOL


Mean daily dose of sertraline was 57.50 (+_18.74) mg at T1 and 57.41 (+_18.10) mg at T2. Both mean depression scores, analyzed by HADS and MADRS scales, and HADS anxiety scores significantly decreased during the 12 weeks of study (all p values < 0.05). Mean Mini-MAC scores showed that hopelessness and anxious preoccupation decreased significantly at T2 compared with T0 (p < 0.05). QOL improved over time (p < 0.05). CGI was improved over the treatment period; however, no statistical tests were involved. No severe adverse effects were observed. Six patients reported varying degrees of side effects (nausea, agitation, insomnia, and dizziness).


Sertraline may be effective for the treatment of depressed outpatients with cancer. However, stronger evidence is needed.


  • The study had a small sample, with less than 100 patients.
  • Internal validity is limited due to the lack of control group, the lack of control over the time lapse since cancer therapy, and the small sample size.
  • External validity is limited due to the nature of the sample (i.e., small size and single setting).
  • Lack of information regarding measurements for validity and reliability is a minor flaw.

Nursing Implications

Nurses can inform patients of a possible option to decrease depressive symptoms during chemotherapy.


Torta, R., Siri, I., & Caldera, P. (2008). Sertraline effectiveness and safety in depressed oncological patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 16, 83–91.

Study Purpose

To examine the effectiveness and safety of sertraline on somatic and emotional symptoms of depression and on the quality of life of cancer patients

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

The intervention was a 12-week trial with a flexible-dose regimen of sertraline (a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). Patients started the regimen with a dose of 25 mg/day, with a possible increase to 100 mg/day. The treatment response was assessed at baseline (T0), at week 4 (T1), and at week 12 (T2).

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 35.
  • Mean age = 51.97 (SD = 13.26; 23–72 years).
  • 30 female, 5 male.
  • Cancer type and stage: diverse. Majority: breast cancer (54%).
  • All patients underwent chemotherapy during the study and were diagnosed with mood disorder at baseline.


Single site (outpatient)


Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

Active treatment

Study Design

Open-label noncomparative prospective pilot study

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) for depression and anxiety
  • Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) for depression
  • Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer (mini-MAC) scale for psychological response to the diagnosis of cancer
  • Clinical Global Impression (CGI) for severity of psychological illness
  • Dosage Record and Treatment Emergent Symptom (DOTES) scale for the adverse effects of the clinical treatments and their possible relation to the drug used
  • Quality of Life (QL) index for quality of life


Mean daily dose of sertraline was 57.50 (±18.74) mg at T1 and 57.41 (±18.10) mg at T2. Both mean depression scores, HADS and MADRS, and HADS anxiety scores significantly decreased during the 12 weeks of the study (all p's < 0.05). Mean mini-MAC scores show that hopelessness and anxious preoccupation decreased significantly at T2, compared with scores at T0 (p < 0.05). Quality of life improved over time (p < 0.05). CGI improved over the treatment period; however, no statistical tests were involved. No severe adverse effects were observed. 6 patients reported varying degrees of side effects (e.g., nausea, agitation, insomnia, dizziness).


Sertraline may be effective; a more definitive conclusion requires stronger evidence.


  • Small sample: < 100.
  • Internal validity is limited because of the lack of a control group, the lack of control over the lapse of time since the beginning of cancer therapy, and the small sample size.
  • External validity is limited because the sample size was small and testing occurred in one setting only.
  • Minor flaws include lack of information regarding measurements of validity and reliability.

Nursing Implications

Nurses can tell patients that sertraline may be an option in the treatment of symptoms of depression during chemotherapy.


Torta, R., Siri, I., & Caldera, P. (2008). Sertraline effectiveness and safety in depressed oncological patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 16, 83–91.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Sertraline was started at a dosage of 25 mg/day in a single daily dose, with a possible dosage increase based on individual response and tolerability until 100 mg/day. A minimum dosage of 50 mg/day had to be reached. Patient outcomes were assessed at baseline (T0), week 4 (T1), and week 12 (T2).

Sample Characteristics

  • The study was comprised of 35 adult patients with cancer undergoing chemotherapy treatment with mood depression (scoring greater than five on the SCID-PO scale-depression subscale).
  • The majority of patients were female (85.7%) and were diagnosed with colorectal cancer (20%), breast cancer (54.3%), lung cancer (8.6%), and onco-hematologic pathology (17.1%).


Psychooncology Unit, St. Giovanni Battista Hospital, University of Turin, Italy

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

Patients were undergoing the active treatment phase of care.

Study Design

The study used a pilot, open-label, noncomparative, prospective design.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS)


For lassitude (fatigue), a subitem on the MADRS, there was a significant difference between baseline and week 12. Between baseline and week 4, an improvement was evident but not significant. Fatigue was not a major outcome.


  • The study had a small sample size.
  • The study had an open-label design without a control group.
  • There was heterogeneity in terms of cancer stage and diagnosis.

Torta, R., Leombruni, P., Borio, R., & Castelli, L. (2011). Duloxetine for the treatment of mood disorder in cancer patients: A 12-week case-control clinical trial. Human Psychopharmacology, 26, 291–299.

Study Purpose

To investigate the efficacy and tolerability of duloxetine in patients with cancer with mood disorder

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Consecutive patients with diagnosed mood disorder started a regimen of duloxetine. They received an initial dose of 30 mg/day for one week, then 60 mg daily. If response was poor after one month, the dose was increased to 120 mg. Benzodiazepines were allowed as needed during the first two weeks. Study assessments were done at baseline, week 4, and week 12. Analysis compared results pertaining to those who had cancer and to those who did not.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study reported on a sample of 37 patients, 23 with cancer.
  • Mean patient age was 63.6 years (SD = 10.9 years).
  • The sample was 44.7% male and 45.3% female.
  • Cancer types were not reported.


  • Single site
  • Outpatient setting
  • Italy

Study Design

Prospective observational design

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)
  • State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
  • EORTC questionnaire


Overall, 20% of patients dropped out of the study. Of the patients with cancer, 15% dropped out due to agitation, insomnia, or tachycardia. Analysis showed similar response over time of those with and without cancer diagnoses. Depression and anxiety by all measures declined at all follow-up times (p < 0.001).


Duloxetine was effective in reducing anxiety and depression in patients with and without cancer. The majority of patients tolerated the medication well.


  • The study had small sample sizes, with samples of fewer than 30 and fewer than 100, respectively.
  • The study had risks of bias due to no control group, no blinding, and no random assignment.
  • Participant withdrawals were ≥ 10%.

Nursing Implications

Findings suggest that antidepressant use by patients with cancer who also have clinically relevant mood disorders can improve symptoms of anxiety and depression. Note: Most antidepressant studies that show a positive impact involve use by patients who have clinically relevant mood disorders at baseline.


Torres Lacomba, M., Yuste Sanchez, M.J., Zapico Goni, A., Prieto Merino, D., Mayoral del Moral, O., Cerezo Tellez, E., & Minayo Mogollon, E. (2010). Effectiveness of early physiotherapy to prevent lymphoedema after surgery for breast cancer: Randomised, single blinded, clinical trial. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 340, b5396.

Study Purpose

To determine effectiveness of an early physiotherapy program in reducing the risk of secondary lymphedema in women after surgery for breast cancer

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Early therapy included manual lymph drainage, stretching exercises for key muscle groups, progressive active and assisted shoulder exercises, proprioceptive facilitation exercises without resistance along with education consisting of instruction with printed materials. All patients were followed up 4 weeks after surgery and at 3, 6 and 12 months. Follow-up time points were somewhat flexible by design; however, actual differences in follow-up are not described. If secondary lymphedema occurred, complex decongestive therapy was carried out.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study sample (N = 116)  was comprised of female patients with breast cancer postoperatively.
  • Mean age was 52.9 years.
  • Patients were excluded if they were receiving adjuvant therapies.


The study took place in an outpatient setting in Spain.

Study Design

The study used a randomized, single-blinded, controlled trial design.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Arm circumference was measured at 5 cm intervals on both arms.
  • Demographic data was collected.
  • Computed volume ratio was compared between arms.


Incidence of secondary lymphedema was 25% in the control group compared to 7% in the intervention group (p = 0.01). In both groups the volume of the affected arm increased over time. In the control group, the volume was an average of 5.1% greater in the affected arm compared to 1.6% greater in the intervention group (p = 0.0065). Survival analysis showed that secondary lymphedema developed more rapidly in the control group and the protective effect of early physiotherapy remained for a longer time.


Early physiotherapy can be an effective intervention for prevention or mitigation of secondary lymphedema after surgery for breast cancer within one year after surgery.


  • Actual exercise done by the control group is not known.
  • Adherence of any patients to educational guidance is not discussed.
  • Methods state that complex decongestion would be done in any case of lymphedema; however, these findings or differences between groups are not mentioned.
  • One-year follow-up does not make it clear if early physiotherapy remains effective over the longer term.

Nursing Implications

Early physiotherapy and related exercises are helpful in preventing or mitigating lymphedema in the short term for patients who have had surgery for breast cancer involving axillary lymph node dissection. Ongoing research in this area is needed to determine effective strategies in the longer term for this chronic problem.

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