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Sun, J.X., & Yang, N. (2013). Role of octreotide in post chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy diarrhea: Prophylaxis or therapy? Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology. Advance online publication.  doi:10.1111/ajco.12055

Search Strategy

Databases searched were MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Collaboration, and BIOSIS.

Search keywords were octreotide, somatostatin, and diarrhea.

Studies were included in the review if they were randomized clinical trials (RCTs) with with one group receiving octreotide.

Exclusion criteria was not specified.

Literature Evaluated

  • A total of 37 references were retrieved.
  • Quality grading was done using the Jadad scale.  Odds ratio analysis was used.

Sample Characteristics

  • Eight studies were included in the final review, representing 572 patients. The sample range across studies was 16–315.
  • Five studies involved chemotherapy, and three studies involved radiotherapy.

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

All patients were undergoing the active treatment phase of care.


  • Octreotide was effective compared to placebo (overall response [OR] = 4.9, 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.58–15.2).
  • With radiotherapy-induced diarrhea, octreotide OR = 1.64 (95% CI, 0.53–5.08) and the test for overall effect was not significant. 
  • For chemotherapy-induced diarrhea, OR =14.7 (95% CI,  4.06–53.26) and the test for overall effect was significant (p < 0.0001).
  • The radiotherapy data showed high heterogeneity.
  • The OR of octreotide was higher when used for treatment rather than prophylactically. However, only one trial evaluated prophylactic use.
  • Most studies compared octreotide to loperamide.


Prophylactic use of octreotide did not show a statistically significant reduction in diarrhea. Octreotide did not reduce severity or incidence of diarrhea during pelvic radiotherapy, and some bowel functions appeared to be worse in the octreotide group. Octreotide showed significant benefit for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced diarrhea.


A limited number of studies were evaluated. No firm conclusions regarding prophylactic use can be made.

Nursing Implications

Findings support the use of octreotide for management of chemotherapy-induced diarrhea. Prophylactic use and use in patients with diarrhea because of pelvic irradiation are not supported. Nurses can advocate for appropriate use of octreotide in the management of diarrhea.


Sun, J., Wang, H., & Hu, H. (2012). Glutamine for chemotherapy induced diarrhea: a meta-analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 21(3), 380–385.


To investigate if prophylactic glutamine administration in patients receiving chemotherapy is effective for diarrhea prevention and control with the two major outcomes of duration and severity of diarrhea

Search Strategy

  • Databases searched were Embase, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and BIOSIS.
  • Search keywords were glutamine, diarrhea, chemotherapy, meta-analysis, and prophylactic.
  • Studies were included in the review if they used randomization, with one group receiving glutamine and one group serving as control, and if they included patients receiving bone marrow transplant.
  • Studies were excluded if they were not written in English or Chinese or did not clearly report results.

Literature Evaluated

  • A total of 20 references were retrieved.
  • Studies were graded using the Jadad 5-point scale with 1 point assigned to each of the following: description of study as randomized, description of appropriate method of randomization, description of double-blind, description of appropriate method of double-blinding, and statement addressing study withdrawals.
  • Review Manager Software was used for quantitative analysis to calculate the odds ratio for the weighted mean differences (WMDs) for continuous data between the study drug group and the control group. The software also was used to perform heterogeneity analysis; data that was not significantly heterogeneous (p > 0.05) were analyzed using a fixed effects model, and heterogeneous data (p < 0.05) were analyzed using a random effects model.
  • Common toxicity criteria grades for diarrhea were defined as follows.
    • Grade 0: No diarrhea
    • Grade 1: An increase of fewer than 4 stools per day from pretreatment
    • Grade 2: An increase of 4–6 stools per day or nocturnal stools
    • Grade 3: An increase of more than 6 stools per day, incontinence, or need for parenteral support for dehydration
    • Grade 4: Physiological consequences requiring intensive care or death.  

Sample Characteristics

  • A total of eight studies were included in the review.
  • The total sample size was 298 patients, with 147 in the treatment groups and 151 in the placebo groups. Sample ranges across all studies were 8–33 in the treatment groups (n = 18) and 8–33 in the placebo groups (n = 19).
  • Cancer diagnoses were gastrointestinal, acute myeloid leukemia, colorectal, advanced breast, autologous and bone marrow transplant, and hematologic.

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

Patients were undergoing the active treatment phase of care.


  • An overall statistically significant difference was found in duration of diarrhea with glutamine recipients versus patients receiving placebos (WMD, -1; 95% confidence interval [CI], -1.73, -0.26). Oral glutamine scored higher (WMD, -1.06, 95% CI, -2.01, -0.11) compared to intravenous glutamine (WMD, -0.89; 95% CI, -2.07, 0.28).
  • Study findings indicated that glutamine did not improve the severity of diarrhea (WMD, 0.49; 95% CI, -1.36, 0.39).
  • Statistical heterogeneity was found for overall rates (p < 0.00001) with the random effects model (p < 00001).


According to the results of this meta-analysis, prophylactic administration of glutamine (ranging from 16–30 g oral form daily for periods of up to 20 days and 20-40 g IV administration daily for periods of up to 21 days) reduced the length of chemotherapy-induced diarrhea (CID). However, results did not show reduction in the severity of the diarrhea. Oral glutamine was found to be more effective than IV glutamine.


  • Endotoxin levels were used to assess permeability levels instead of the standard lactulose-mannitol test.
  • Although this was a meta-analysis, the individual RCTs were small.
  • Doses and administration were not standardized across studies, making it difficult to combine results for statistical analysis.

Nursing Implications

This meta-analysis provided evidence that glutamine, as the most abundant amino acid in humans, could reduce the duration of CID and intestinal permeability and may stimulate mucosal recovery. However, glutamine has not been shown to be beneficial in reducing or limiting the severity of CID. Larger trials are needed.

Prophylactic oral glutamine in patients receiving chemotherapy may be useful in lessening the duration of chemotherapy-related diarrhea. However, without further large trials with standardized doses, routes, and length of administration, glutamine should not be recommended for practice.


Sun, V., Grant, M., Koczywas, M., Freeman, B., Zachariah, F., Fujinami, R., . . . Del Ferraro, C. (2015). Effectiveness of an interdisciplinary palliative care intervention for family caregivers in lung cancer. Cancer, 121, 3737–3745.

Study Purpose

To test the effectiveness of an overall supportive and psychoeducational care intervention on caregiver quality of life and patient symptoms

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

A quality of life assessment was conducted at baseline for patients and caregivers. Results were used to develop a palliative care plan that was discussed at weekly meetings by the interdisciplinary care team. Symptom management and supportive care referrals and community resources were identified as needed. Family caregivers also received four educational sessions and a manual of all teaching content. Questionnaires were completed at baseline, 6, and 12 weeks. A comparison usual care group was recruited after the intervention group and had study measures obtained at baseline and at 7 and 12 weeks.

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 354 caregiver and patient pairs   
  • MEAN AGE = 57.3 years
  • MALES: 37.3%, FEMALES: 66.7%
  • KEY DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: All patients had lung cancer.
  • OTHER KEY SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: Of the patients, 15.3% were Asian, 4.5% were Black, and 6.7% were Hispanic or Latino. About one-third were employed.


  • SITE: Single site   
  • SETTING TYPE: Outpatient    
  • LOCATION: Southern California

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

PHASE OF CARE: Late effects and survivorship

Study Design

Prospective, nonrandomized, parallel-group trial

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • City of Hope quality of life tool
  • Montgomery Borgotta Caregiver Burden Scale
  • Preparedness for Caregiving Scale
  • Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung (FACT-L) for patient quality of life and symptoms
  • Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness-Spiritual Well-Being Scale (FACIT-Sp)
  • Distress Thermometer


Caregivers in the experimental group had improved quality of life in the social well-being domain (p < 0.001) and distress (p = 0.01). Caregivers in the intervention group reported less problem with objective burden or life disruption (p < 0.001).


The palliative care intervention provided here was associated with lower caregiver strain and burden in some aspects compared to those who did not receive the intervention.


  • Risk of bias (no blinding)
  • Risk of bias (no random assignment) 
  • Risk of bias (no appropriate attentional control condition)
  • Usual care was not fully described.

Nursing Implications

The findings were limited because of study design; however, the findings support the benefit of palliative care for caregivers.


Sun, D.Z., Jiao, J.P., Zhang, X., Xu, J.Y., Ye, M., Xiu, L.J., . . . Wei, P.K. (2014). Therapeutic effect of Jinlongshe Granule on quality of life of stage IV gastric cancer patients using EORTC QLQ-C30: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2014(Nov.), 1–8. 

Study Purpose

To observe functional and symptomatic changes related to quality of life in patients with advanced gastric cancer with administration of Jinlongshe granule (JLSG, a Chinese herbal medicine)

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Patients were randomized into a JLSG group or a placebo group. All patients received Chinese medicinal herbs prescribed individually. The intervention arm additionally received JLSG, and the other arm received a placebo three times daily. Patients were followed biweekly in clinic visits. Study measures were obtained at enrollment and at 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 months after treatment.

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 39  
  • AGE: Mean and range not determinable
  • MALES: 66.7%, FEMALES: 33.3%
  • KEY DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: All patients had advanced gastric cancer and most had liver metastasis.
  • OTHER KEY SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: Inclusion criteria included expected three-month survival.


  • SITE: Single-site    
  • SETTING TYPE: Outpatient    
  • LOCATION: China

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • PHASE OF CARE: End-of-life care
  • APPLICATIONS: Palliative care 

Study Design

Double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ–C30)


There were statistically significant group-by-time effects for multiple symptoms including cognitive function, fatigue, pain, dyspnea, insomnia, appetite loss, constipation, and and general quality of life (p < .05). For some symptoms, differences were due to increased symptoms in the placebo group. No information regarding any adverse effects is reported. The direction of change in symptom scores is not always clear in this manuscript.


This study has several limitations that make it difficult to assess the potential efficacy of JLSG for symptom management.


  • Small sample (< 100)
  • Unintended interventions or applicable interventions not described that would influence results
  • Measurement validity/reliability questionable
  • Findings not generalizable
  • Subject withdrawals ≥ 10%  
  • Other limitations/explanation: All patients received a variety of Chinese herbal medications that were not described and were not standardized; therefore, it is not possible to determine the actual effect of the JLSG. No other interventions aimed at symptoms are described. Repeated measures of the same instrument may produce testing effect.


Nursing Implications

This study provides minimal evidence in support of a specific Chinese herbal medicine in patients with advanced gastric cancer. Further well-designed studies are needed for clinically meaningful evaluation of efficacy.


Sui-Whi, J., Wilkie, D.J., Galulucci, B.B., Beaton, R.D. & Hsiu-Ying, H. (2005). Effects of massage on pain intensity, anxiety, and physiologic relaxation in Taiwanese patients with metastatic bone pain. Oncology Nursing Foundation Ninth National Conference on Cancer Nursing Research. Retrieved from…

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

This intervention was a 30-minute, full-body massage delivered by the first author after completing pre-test. After the intervention, the participant was instructed to lie quietly for 30 minutes before completing the post-test.

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 30
  • KEY SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: Taiwanese hospitalized patients with metastatic bone pain

Study Design

  • Quasi-experimental design

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Pre-test/post-test measures
  • Repeated to examine the time effects of massage


Massage was shown to have effective, immediate, short-term (20–30 minutes; a 61% reduction in anxiety), intermediate (1–2.5 hours), and long-term benefits (16–18 hours) on present pain intensity and anxiety. The most significant reduction in anxiety occurred 15–20 minutes after the intervention. The results from ANOVA revealed a time effect of massage on anxiety visual analog score across time at a statistically significant level (F [10, 20] = 10.3, p < 0.001).


  • Convenience sampling
  • Small sample size
  • Quasi-experimental design
  • Lack of a control condition and possible response bias
  • Well designed but not randomized

Suh, E.E. (2012). The effects of P6 acupressure and nurse-provided counseling on chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in patients with breast cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 39(1), E1-9.

Study Purpose

To evaluate the effects of pericardium 6 (P6) acupressure and nurse-provided counseling on chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) in patients with breast cancer

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Participants were randomized to one of four treatment groups. The control group received sham acupressure on SI3 point—the ulnar side of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger of both hands. The three experimental groups consisted of counseling only, P6 acupressure-only, and P6 acupressure and counseling.

Counseling consisted of a one-hour cognitive behavioral session which included an introduction, cognitive preparation, symptom acceptance, the use of available resources, and question and answer session. Participants were instructed to perform the cognitive-behavioral session daily for 5 days (C2, D 1-5). 

The P6 acupressure groups wore Sea-Band® bands on both wrists for 5 days.

All participants completed baseline data then received a booklet of instruments and a daily log. They were asked to check their gastrointestinal (GI) distress level nine different times the evening of the first day of cycle 2 of chemotherapy and then once in the morning and once in the evening of days 2–5. Patients were asked to keep a daily log of the antiemetic medications taken and the overall status of their GI symptoms. The research assistants called each participant once and sent two text messages during the 5-day period to increase adherence.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study consisted of 105 patients.
  • The mean age of patients was 45 years (SD = 8.661). To be included, patients must have been older than 20 years.
  • All of the patients were female and had been diagnosed with stage I-III breast cancer.                                                       
  • Participants had previously received definitive breast surgery and were currently undergoing the second cycle of adjuvant chemotherapy with either the FAC (5-fluorouracil, Adriamycin, and cyclophosphamide) or ACT (Adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, and paclitaxel) regimen. All participants had experienced more than mild levels of nausea and vomiting with the first cycle of chemotherapy.  
  • Patients who agreed to participate had their level of acute and delayed nausea measured on the 5th day of the first cycle, and only those with an average nausea level of more than 4 on a scale of 1–10 were included in the study.
  • More than half of the participants had at least some college education, claimed a religion, were married at the time of the data collection, had stage II breast cancer, and had received the FAC regimen.
  • Antiemetics used were granisetron (39%), aprepitant plus dexamethasone (30%), aprepitant only (20%), and ondansetron (9%).


This study was conducted at a single outpatient setting in Seoul, South Korea.

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

All patients were in active treatment.

Study Design

This was a randomized, controlled trial.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • The Index of Nausea, Vomiting and Retching (INVR, Rhodes & McDaniel) self-report instrument was translated into Korean to measure frequency, distress, and duration of nausea, vomiting, and retching.
  • Antiemetic medications taken and the severity of GI distress were reported daily in logs.


  • CINV levels were significantly different among the groups from day 2 to day 5.
  • These differences were attributed mainly to the difference between the control group and the group with P6 acupressure plus nurse-provided counseling (p = 0.01).
  • The effects of acupressure were proven from day 2 to day 5 (p = 0.005, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001 respectively), and the effects of the nurse-provided counseling were proven on day 4 (p = 0.025) and close to significance on day 5.


Synergic effects of P6 acupressure with nurse-provided counseling appeared to be effective in reducing CINV in patients with breast cancer.


  • Generalizability is limited because the study involved only women in one cancer center.
  • The relatively small sample size of each treatment group may have limited that ability to measure the isolated effect of either P6 acupressure or counseling.  
  • Substantially different antiemetics were used in the different study groups. 
  • Overall, 17% of patients dropped out before completing the study.

Nursing Implications

The addition of P6 acupressure and nurse-provided counseling focused on cognitive awareness, affective readiness, symptom acceptance, and the use of available resources both appear to be effective as adjuncts to antiemetic medicine for the control of CINV in patients with breast cancer.


Suh, S.Y., Choi, Y.S., Oh, S.C., Kim, Y.S., Cho, K., Bae, W.K., . . . Ahn, H.Y. (2013). Caffeine as an adjuvant therapy to opioids in cancer pain: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 46, 474–482.

Study Purpose

To assess the efficacy of caffeine infusion as an adjuvant analgesic for patients with advanced cancer on opioids for chronic pain

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Patients were randomly assigned to either a caffeine group or a placebo group. The caffeine group was given 200 mg of caffeine intravenously over one hour daily for two days. The placebo group was given normal saline. Pain was assessed before the intervention, one hour after the infusion on day 1, before the intervention on day 2, and one hour after the intervention on day 2.  Adverse events were assessed during interventions and two hours later.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study reported on a sample of 38 patients.
  • Mean patient age was 65.67 years (SD = 10.88 years).
  • The sample was 51.2% female and 48.8% male.
  • All patients were receiving palliative care and were not undergoing current treatment. Multiple tumor sites were represented.
  • All patients had pain levels of 6 or less on a numeric rating scale.


  • Single site 
  • Inpatient setting
  • South Korea

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • Patients were undergoing end-of-life care.
  • The study has clinical applicability for palliative care.

Study Design

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design was used.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

A numeric rating scale (0–10) was used to measure pain and adverse effects.


Pain was significantly lower after the second trial, day 2, in those receiving caffeine (p = 0.038); however, the difference between groups in pain severity decline was extremely small. In those receiving caffeine, the decline in pain scores pre-post day 2 infusion was 0.83 (mean) and in those on placebo, the change was 0.81 (mean).


This study does not provide strong support for efficacy of caffeine infusion as an adjuvant analgesic compared to placebo for patients with pain associated with advanced cancer.


  • The study had a small sample, with less than 100 participants.
  • There was no analysis of differences in any rescue medication use.

Nursing Implications

This study does not provide strong evidence for or against the use of caffeine infusions as adjuvant analgesia in patients with pain associated with advanced cancer.


Sugita, J., Matsushita, T., Kashiwazaki, H., Kosugi, M., Takahashi, S., Wakasa, K., … Imamura, M. (2011). Efficacy of folinic acid in preventing oral mucositis in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients receiving MTX as prophylaxis for GVHD. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 47, 258–264.

Study Purpose

To assess the efficacy of folinic acid administration post-methotrexate treatment for graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) prophyllaxis on the incidence of oral mucositis and acute GVHD

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

A retrospective analysis of 118 consecutive patients who underwent allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) and received methotrexate (MTX) for GVHD prophylaxis between March 2006 and December 2009. Systemic folinic acid (given at the same dose as used for methotrexate administration on additional days of treatment) and folinic acid mouthwash (13% folinic acid 4 times per day on days 1–7) were given according to physician discretion.

Sample Characteristics

  • The sample consisted of 118 patients with an age range of 17–68 years.
  • The sample was 52% male and 48% female.
  • Patient diagnoses were acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), adult t-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL), multiple myeloma (MM), AA amyloidosis, and mycosis fungoides (MF) undergoing HSCT.


The study was conducted at a single site in the Stem Cell Transplant Center of Hokkaido University Hospital in Japan.

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

Patients were underoing the active treatment phase of care.

Study Design

The study was a retrospective analysis of 118 consecutive patients between March 2006 and December 2009.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 3.0 was used.


The incidence of oral mucositis (p = 0.00063) and severe oral mucositis (grade 3 or 4) was significantly lower in patients who received systemic folinic acid than in those that did not (p = 0.0005). Oral mucositis occurred in 77.1% of patients, and grade 3-4 mucositits occurred in 31.4%. No significant difference was found in the incidence of acute GVHD on day 100 post-transplant between the systemic folinic acid and non-folinic groups. Oral mucositis did not correlate with the development of severe GVHD, and no significant differences were found in the incidence of relapse between the two groups. Multivariate analysis showed that the odds of developing severe oral mucositis was significantly associated with a longer duration of severe neutropenia (> 21 days) (OR 4.78, p = 0.0019) and systemic folinic acid administration (OR 0.13, p = 0.014).


Folinic acid administration reduced the incidence of severe oral mucositis. The strongest association with the development of severe oral mucositis was longer duration of severe neutropenia.


  • No appropriate control group was included.
  • Use of systemic folinic acid was random, based on physician preference.
  • Use of folinic acid mouthwash was also random (approximately 50%), and it was not known if it was used with the systemic or not.

Nursing Implications

Further randomized controlled studies are needed to assess the efficacy of systemic folinic acid plus or minus folinic acid mouthwash. Further studies are also needed to clarify the cost effectiveness of this treatment regimen. Findings suggest that prolonged severe neutropenia is an important factor in the development of severe oral mucositis.


Sugawara, Y., Akechi, T., Shima, Y., Okuyana, T., Akizuki, N., Nakano, T., . . . Uchitomi, Y. (2002). Efficacy of methylphenidate for fatigue in advanced cancer patients: a preliminary study. Palliative Medicine, 16, 261–263.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Immediate-release methylphenidate was given at a dose ranging from 5 to 30 mg per day; 11 of 16 patients were given 10 mg per day. The study was based on the hypothesis that methylphenidate may improve fatigue by counteracting the adverse effects of opiates or relieving depression.

Posttreatment assessment was conducted as soon as two days after the initiation of therapy (median of seven days after initiation of methylphenidate).

Sample Characteristics

  • In total, 16 patients (6 females, 10 males) were included.
  • Five patients had lung cancer and 11 had a mixed group of solid tumor diagnoses.
  • Half of the sample was experiencing pain, and nine were taking corticosteroids.
  • Four patients had been diagnosed with major depression before the initiation of the study.


  • Inpatient and outpatient
  • One of two large comprehensive cancer centers

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

Patients were undergoing the end of life phase of care.

Study Design

This was a prospective, open-label, pilot study.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

A visual analog scale (VAS) was used to assess fatigue before premethylphenidate and after a median of seven days.


A statistically significant difference was found between the mean fatigue score before treatment with methylphenidate and the fatigue score after treatment. Following treatment with methylphenidate, patients reported lower fatigue scores, and six patients were classified by the investigators as having responded (defined by the investigators as a 30% improvement in fatigue severity score from pre- to posttreatment) to treatment with methylphenidate. Concomitant depression and the use of opioids did not predict methylphenidate efficacy. Two patients discontinued because of insomnia, and one reported mild palpitations but opted to continue methylphenidate. Adverse reactions reported generally were limited.


  • This was a small, convenience sample, with an open-label design and no comparison group that used only one fatigue measure.
  • Patients received different dosages of methylphenidate.

Suehiro, K., Honda, S., Kakutani, H., Morikage, N., Murakami, M., Yamashita, O., . . . Hamano, K. (2014). A novel arm sleeve for upper extremity lymphedema: A pilot study. Annals of Vascular Diseases, 7, 134–140. 

Study Purpose

To investigate the safety and efficacy of a novel arm sleeve composed of a conventional arm sleeve extending to a wider area of the body

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Subjects who already used their own arm sleeves used a new conventional arm sleeve during the daytime for two weeks, followed by a novel sleeve during the daytime for two weeks. The characteristics of the arm part of the novel sleeve are the same as those of the arm part of the conventional sleeve. A large elastic body piece to cover the shoulder and the body trunk was attached to the novel sleeve. During the study, the subjects were allowed to use their own mittens or gloves.

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 5
  • MEDIAN AGE = 70 years (range = 48–78 years)
  • FEMALES: 100%
  • KEY DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Postmastectomy upper extremity lymphedema; stage 2 lymphedema; and in the maintenance phase of complex physical therapy (i.e., all subjects used their own sleeves prior to enrolling in the study)


  • SITE: Single site    
  • SETTING TYPE: Not specified    
  • LOCATION: Japan

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • PHASE OF CARE: Late effects and survivorship
  • APPLICATIONS: Elder care  

Study Design

Pre- and post-test design with repeated measures

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Arm circumference
  • Questionnaire for arm-related symptoms
  • Interface pressure measured using an air pack-type analyzer
  • Subcutaneous fluid distribution measured by magnetic resonance imaging


When a new conventional arm sleeve was provided to participants, total arm volume (p < 0.05) and percentage of arm volume (p < 0.05) was reduced. When participants were given the novel sleeve, arm volume and percentage volume were reduced, but these changes were not statistically significant.


The novel arm sleeve was associated with some additional reduction in arm volume, but these changes were not significant. The conventional arm sleeve, however, did produce a significant reduction in arm volume when a new sleeve was provided to participants.


  • Small sample (< 30)
  • Risk of bias (no control group)
  • Risk of bias (no blinding)
  • Risk of bias (no random assignment)
  • Risk of bias (no appropriate attentional control condition) 
  • Findings not generalizable

Nursing Implications

The sample for this study was extremely small, making the results difficult to generalize. Although the study showed that the novel arm sleeve provided some benefits for the management of arm lymphedema, well-designed studies with larger sample sizes are needed to replicate and examine the effectiveness of this intervention.

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