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Jones, R.B., Pearson, J., Cawset, A.J., Bental, D., Barrett, A., White, J., . . . Gilmour, W.H. (2006). Effect of different forms of information produced for cancer patients on their use of the information, social support, and anxiety: Randomised trial. BMJ, 332, 942–948.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

The interventions included a variety of patient education materials delivered by the following methods.

  • General cancer education material (Cancer BACUP, a cancer information and support service for patients in the United Kingdom) specific to the patient's cancer—This material included content about understanding radiation therapy, diet, and cancer-specific information.
  • Patient-chosen information selected interactively via computer at the cancer center—The patient was given a choice of six booklets to print from the computer.
  • A larger volume of material than in the booklets, not chosen specifically by the patient—This information included 40–47 sections of information.
  • Patient-chosen personalized information selected interactively from topics based on the patient’s medical record—These topics included “problem list, treatment lists, or your cancer.”
  • A subgroup of participants received anxiety management advice. This information was provided through written materials with self-help advice based on work in cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety.

Participants were divided into eight groups (three factors, 2 x 2 x 2).

  • Group 1: Interactively selected, personalized information, and anxiety management advice (N = 50, t2 N = 48, t3 N = 40)
  • Group 2: Interactively selected, personalized information, and no anxiety management advice (N = 50, t2 N = 48, t3 N = 44)
  • Group 3: Interactively selected, general information, and anxiety management advice (N = 49, t2 N = 44, t3 N = 35)
  • Group 4: Interactively selected, general information, and no anxiety management advice (N = 50, t2 N = 50, t3 N = 49)
  • Group 5: Automatically selected, personalized information, and anxiety management advice (N = 50, t2 N = 47, t3 N = 39)
  • Group 6: Automatically selected, personalized information, and no anxiety management advice (N = 51, t2 N = 50, t3 N = 44)
  • Group 7: Automatically selected, general information, and anxiety management advice (N = 50, t2 N = 49, t3 N = 40)
  • Group 8: Automatically selected, general information, and no anxiety management advice (N = 50, t2 N = 48, t3 N = 38)

Measurements were taken at baseline, after intervention, and at three months follow-up.

Sample Characteristics

  • Study participants were patients starting radiation therapy.
  • A total of 874 patients with cancer were identified through radiation clinic appointments. Of these, 604 patients were recruited to the study, and 270 were excluded.
  • Patients were excluded if they were receiving palliative care, had severe symptoms causing distress, had cancer at other sites, did not have English-language skills, were receiving treatment for psychological or psychiatric problems, or were visually or mentally impaired.
  • The study reported on a sample of 400 patients with cancer diagnosed from 5 weeks to six years before recruitment.
  • Patients completed a questionnaire at home about their previous computer use, information preferences, coping styles, and HSSQ and HADS tests.
  • Two-thirds of the patients had breast cancer, and roughly one-third had prostate cancer.
  • A total of 348 patients finished follow-up.


Western Scotland

Study Design

A longitudinal, randomized trial design was used.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Helgeson’s Social Support Questionnaire (HSSQ)
  • Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)
  • Questions about the patients’ use and opinions of the booklets and their reported understanding of cancer


At three months follow-up, 45% of patients had improved anxiety scores. There were no statistically significant differences among the three intervention factors using a general linear model.


  • The authors concluded that the single information intervention with anxiety management advice in this study did not significantly reduce levels of anxiety.
  • This large study showed that brief written anxiety advice does not significantly reduce anxiety in patients with cancer who are starting radiation therapy.

Johns, S.A., Brown, L.F., Beck-Coon, K., Talib, T.L., Monahan, P.O., Giesler, R.B., . . . Kroenke, K. (2016). Randomized controlled pilot trial of mindfulness-based stress reduction compared to psychoeducational support for persistently fatigued breast and colorectal cancer survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24, 4085–4096.

Study Purpose

To compare mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) with psychoeducation/support groups (PES) as interventions to treat cancer-related fatigue (CFR) and associated symptoms of anxiety, depression, vitality, sleep disturbances, and pain. An active treatment control group (PES) was used to determine the effect size of MBSR in reducing CRF.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Breast cancer survivors (BCSs) and colorectal cancer survivors (CRCSs) were blinded and randomized into the MBSR group or the PES intervention. The primary outcome was CRF interference, and secondary outcomes of CRF were severity, vitality, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, and pain at baseline (T1), postintervention (T2) and at six months postintervention (T3). Both arms of the study included a structured curriculum that lasted two hours weekly for eight weeks. As the MBSR cohort had required exercises and practice assigned between classes, the PES arm was also given between-session practice and supplemental readings related to class topics. Treatment fidelity to each of the interventions was maintained by use of standardized manuals for each (MBSR and PES), audio recordings of the sessions with review by investigators using checklists created to evaluate the interventions. The MBSR intervention was adapted from standard approaches to eliminate the use of a retreat, the addition of psychoeducation, a brief body scan at bedtime, and shorter home practices. The PES program incorporated group discussions.

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 69   
  • MEAN AGE = BCS: 56.9 years (SD = 9.9 years), CRCS: 56.4 years (12.7 years)
  • MALES: 9.9%, FEMALES: 90.1%
  • CURRENT TREATMENT: Not applicable
  • KEY DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Adults aged 18 years or older with nonmetastatic (stage 0–III) BCSs or CRCSs who reported CRF as 4 or greater on the Fatigue Symptom Inventory (FSI)
  • OTHER KEY SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: Participants had completed active treatment an average of 2.4 years prior to the study and were predominantly Caucasian (70.4%). Forty-six percent of the BCSs were on endocrine therapy at the time of the study, and the only statistically significant difference between groups at baseline was income (p = 0.07).


  • SITE: Multi-site   
  • SETTING TYPE: Outpatient    
  • LOCATION: National Cancer Institute–designated comprehensive cancer center clinics

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

PHASE OF CARE: Late effects and survivorship

Study Design

Single-blind, two-armed, randomized clinical pilot trail

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • FSI
  • SF-36 Vitality Scale
  • Patient Health Questionnaire-8 (PHQ-8)
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 scale
  • Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) for depression 
  • Insomnia Severity Index
  • PEG three-item abbreviated version of the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI)
  • Global Improvement in Fatigue measure was a single item asking participants to rate their CRF compared to the beginning of the study.


The primary outcome of CRF interference did not significantly differ between MBSR and PES, although a trend (insignificant) toward MBSR was observed at T2 (d = –0.46, p = 0.073). Secondary outcome of vitality demonstrated moderate and significant effect size in the MBSR arm compared to the PES arm (d = 0.53, p = 0.003) at T2; however, the between group difference did not last through the T3 measurement. The MBSR maintained improvement in vitality, whereas vitality improved in the PES group. In addition, at T2, the MBSR participants were significantly more likely to report CRF global improvement (58.8 versus 34.3%, respectively, X2 (1) = 4.176, p = 0.041). Both groups continued to report similar global improvements in CRF at T3 (MBSR = 45.5 versus PES = 54.3%, X2 (1) = 0.53, p = 0.467). Pain was the only between group secondary outcome in which MBSR demonstrated moderate and significant improvement at T3 compared to PES (d = –0.50, p = 0.014).

Within group effects: Both MBSR and PES participants demonstrated moderate to large effects and significant improvements on all fatigue outcomes at T2 and T3 compared to T1. Participants in both groups also reported moderate to large effects and significant improvements at T2 and T3 from baseline in depression (p < 0.001), anxiety (p < 0.001), and sleep disturbance (p < 0.001).


Although the aim of this study was to rigorously test MBSR as an intervention for CRF in preparation for a phase-III randomized, controlled trial, the study supported the strength of PES as an intervention as well.


  • Small sample (< 100)
  • Risk of bias (no control group)
  • Risk of bias (sample characteristics)
  • Findings not generalizable

Nursing Implications

Although MBSR has been shown an effective intervention for numerous cancer-related symptoms, including CRF, a structured PES intervention was also clearly effective in helping survivors manage fatigue and other symptoms. However, given the more immediate effect of MBSR for participants, MBSR may provide results sooner. Both interventions are efficacious and therefore provide cancer survivors a choice in interventions effective in reducing CRF and its interference in daily life through anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbance.


Johns, S.A., Von Ah, D., Brown, L.F., Beck-Coon, K., Talib, T.L., Alyea, J.M., . . . Giesler, R.B. (2016). Randomized controlled pilot trial of mindfulness-based stress reduction for breast and colorectal cancer survivors: Effects on cancer-related cognitive impairment. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 10, 437–448. 

Study Purpose

To examine the effect of an eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program compared to an eight-week education and support (ES) program on subjectively and objectively assessed cognitive function among breast and colorectal survivors experiencing fatigue

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Seventy-one breast and colorectal survivors experiencing moderate-to-severe fatigue were randomized into the MBSR group (n = 35) and ES group (n = 36). The MBSR group received a modified eight-week mindfulness meditation and movement training course facilitated by experienced MBSR teachers certified by the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts. The training included the use of body scans, hatha yoga, sitting meditation, and loving-kindness meditation. The ES group received an eight-week education and support course taught by social workers that included both didactic content and group discussion regarding cancer-related symptoms and late effects of cancer treatment. Classes for the MBSR and ES groups were held on the same night, and the class size was limited to 10 participants in each group. All class and meditation sessions were two hours long and delivered over eight weeks. The final all-day meditation retreat typical of the MBSR training program was eliminated for this cohort because of fatigue.

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 69  
  • AGE = 56.9 years
  • MALES: 9.9%, FEMALES: 90.1%
  • KEY DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Causasian (70.4%), not college educated (56.3%), employed (52.1%), married or partnered (54.9%), self-reported “comfortable income level” (52.1%)
  • OTHER KEY SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: Cancer type: Breast (MBSR 51.7%), (ES 48.3%), CRC MBSR (36.4%), (ES 63.6%). Average years since treatment completed was 2.4 years. Any individual reporting experience with meditation was excluded from the sample. Over 50% did not have more than a high school education.


  • SITE: Single site  
  • SETTING TYPE: Multiple settings  
  • LOCATION: Midwestern National Cancer Institute–designated cancer center and affiliate clinics

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

PHASE OF CARE: Late effects and survivorship

Study Design

Two-arm, randomized, clinical trial, pilot study

Measurement Instruments/Methods

Attentional Functional Index (AFI), the subjective measure, is a 13-item self-report measure of assessing levels of attention required for common activities requiring attention and working memory. Three subscales are identified in this instrument: effective action, attentional lapses, and interpersonal effectiveness. This instrument provides respondents with a 100 mm–long horizontal line starting at “not at all” to “extremely well or a great deal.” The total length of each reply is added together to score a person's AFI. A higher score indicates greater capacity to direct attention.  
Stroop Color and Word Test, the objective measure, is a test of executive function that specifically evaluates selective attention, cognitive flexibility, and control. Participants are asked to look at a color word and then quickly select the actual color of the word presented. Accuracy rates and reaction times are recorded as testing outcomes.
Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) is a 39-item measure of tendencies toward mindful behaviors in everyday life presented on a five-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (never or very rarely true) to 5 (very often or always true). The instrument identifies five facets/elements of mindfulness: observing, describing, acting with awareness, nonjudgment of inner experience, and nonreactivity to inner experience. A higher mean score across all scales is associated with a greater tendency toward mindful behavior.
MBSR, AFI, and Stroop were measured at baseline. AFI and Stroop were repeated at the completion of the eight-week intervention (T2) and six months after the intervention (T3).


MBSR participants reported significantly greater improvements in overall AFI scores at T2 and T3. The Effective Action and Attentional Lapses subscales were significantly and substantially higher in the MBSR group at T2 and remained stable six months later. The Interpersonal Effectiveness subscales scores were higher but not significantly so in the MBSR group.
MBSR participants performed significantly better on the Stroop accuracy at T2 and T3 (p ≤ 0.03). No difference between ES and MBSR was noted at T1, suggesting that improvement may be related to MBSR training. No significant between-group difference in reaction time existed. When within group accuracy and reaction times were examined, the MBSR group had a lower error rate at T3 relative to T1, which the ES group did not realize.                                                                           
AFI and lapses data were higher in the MBSR group at eight weeks (p ≤ 0.004) and at six months (p < 0.027), with reported effect sizes (standard response mean) ranging from 0.55–0.9. Both groups showed improvement in cognitive function over time.


This pilot study demonstrated that MBSR offers significant and sustained improvements in both subjectively and objectively measured chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment. The findings indicated that the MBSR intervention addressed issues of executive function and attentional control in breast and colorectal survivors reporting cancer-related fatigue and cognitive impairment.


  • Small sample (< 100)
  • Baseline sample/group differences of import
  • Risk of bias (sample characteristics)
  • Key sample group differences that could influence results
  • Findings not generalizable
  • Fatigue levels were used as a proxy for the presence of chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment in the selection of sample. The presence of chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment was assessed at baseline after selection of the study sample, and, at that time, a \"large majority of participants reported cognitive impairment as measured by the baseline AFI.\"

Nursing Implications

The findings of this study suggest that MBSR may improve late effect cognitive/emotional fatigue and cognitive impairment in patients with cancer. As no identified adverse effects of MBSR training or mindfulness meditation exist, this low-risk intervention may be beneficial for patients.


Johnston, J.M., Kurtz, C.B., Drossman, D.A., Lembo, A.J., Jeglinski, B.I., MacDougall, J.E., . . . Currie, M.G. (2009). Pilot study on the effect of linaclotide in patients with chronic constipation. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 104, 125–132.

Study Purpose

To evaluate the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of linaclotide in patients with chronic constipation.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Patients recorded data related to daily bowel habits and called into a voice response system daily to record their medications taken and bowel movements. Patients were randomized to receive 100, 300, or 1,000 mcg of linaclotide or placebo once daily in the morning, in the fasting state.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study reported on a sample of 36 patients.
  • Mean patient age was 45.2 years (SD = 12.17).
  • The sample comprised 88% women and 12% men.
  • Diagnosis-specific information was not provided.
  • Patients were excluded if they had pelvic floor dysfunction.
  • All patients had experienced constipation for 12 or more weeks within the past year.


  • Multi-site
  • Outpatient
  • United States

Study Design

This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group, phase IIA study.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Bristol Stool Form Scale
  • Ease of Passage Scale
  • Subjective patient-reported outcomes of discomfort and overall relief on seven-point Likert-type scales
  • National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE), version 3.0


  • All doses of linaclotide produced a three-fold greater increase in number of spontaneous bowel movements compared to placebo (p = 0.047).
  • Weekly stool frequency increased in a dose-related manner.
  • Stool consistency improved in all dose groups in a dose-related manner compared to placebo (p < 0.01).
  • Patient-reported outcomes improved with all doses of linaclotide, but were not statistically different than those seen with placebo.
  • No severe adverse events were reported. The most common adverse event was diarrhea.


Linaclotide appeared to improve symptoms of chronic constipation and was well-tolerated overall.


  • The sample size was small (fewer than 100).
  • The study was likely underpowered.

Nursing Implications

The usefulness of linaclotide for patients with cancer who have constipation is not yet known. This medication is a peptide that binds to specific receptors on the membrane of intestinal enterocytes and may increase efflux into the intestinal lumen with concomitant fluid secretion. Those effects may improve stool consistency and transit time. Nurses should be aware that a variety of new medications aimed at management of constipation with various mechanisms of action are being developed. Applicability to patients with cancer has not yet been studied.


Johnston, M. F., Hays, R. D., Subramanian, S. K., Elashoff, R. M., Axe, E. K., Li, J. J., . . . Hui, K. K. (2011). Patient education integrated with acupuncture for relief of cancer-related fatigue randomized controlled feasibility study. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 11, 49.

Study Purpose

This small pilot study had two objectives:  (1) to design a strategy for recruitment tailored to the institutional environment and therapeutic intervention and (2) to collect evidence of preliminary effects.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

In a two-part intervention, patients were first taught to improve self-care with regard to exercise, nutrition, and cognitive-behavioral techniques over a four-week period. They were then provided with eight weekly 50-minute acupuncture sessions. This therapeutic protocol references a conceptual framework derived from two theories—Social Cognitive Theory and Integrative Medicine Theory—but did not provide a description of the theory to match the interventions (exercise, nutrition, cognitive therapy, or acupuncture) with conceptual variables in the model.

Sample Characteristics

  • The sample was comprised of 13 women with breast cancer.   
  • Mean age was 54 years (range 18–65). 
  • About two-thirds of the patients were white.


  • Single site  
  • University of California Los Angeles Center for East-West Medicine

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • Patients were undergoing the active treatment phase of care.
  • The study has clinical applicability for late effects and survivorship.

Study Design

This was a randomized, controlled feasibility study.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) to assess cancer-related fatigue (self-reported)
  • Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–Cognitive Function, version 2 (FACT-COGv2) to measure three dimensions of perceived cognitive impairment:  cognitive problems, impact on functioning, and impact on health-related quality of life (self-assessment without objective measures)


Failure of the recruitment methods led to the development of a tailored recruitment strategy. The intervention was said to be associated with a 2.38-point decline in fatigue (BFI) (90% confidence interval [0.586, 5.014]; p < 0.10). Differences in perceived cognitive dysfunction outcomes were not statistically significant between the two groups over time. The authors talked about using a pooled standard deviation for the BFI at baseline to compare the means of the two groups to determine the effect size.


An effective recruitment strategy is necessary for the execution of any randomized, controlled trial. The conceptual framework integrating social cognitive theory and integrative medicine was not effectively operationalized.


  • The pooled standard deviation was not reported. It was unclear how the Cohen’s D metric was applied to this small study.
  • The study had a small sample size, with less than 30 patients; 13 patients were randomized of 40 recruited.
  • The study had a poor design.
  • Numerous confounding variables were not controlled for in the first part of the intervention in which patients were taught to improve self-care by optimizing exercise routines, improving nutrition, and implementing various cognitive-behavioral techniques.
  • The tailored recruitment strategy of two two-hour recruitment sessions is labor intensive to yield only 5 interested patients.
  • One patient assigned to the control group actually received acupuncture and patient education, but his/her results were calculated with the control group.
  • The study was nonblinded.

Nursing Implications

Investigation into outcomes attributed to specific patient education interventions might first be warranted before blending such an educational intervention with a complimentary/alternative therapy studying efficacy on cancer-related fatigue.


Johnston, R.L., Lutzky, J., Chodhry, A., & Barkin, J.S. (2009). Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 antibody-induced colitis and its management with infliximab. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 54, 2538–2540. 

Study Purpose

To review the use of corticosteroids and infliximab in the treatment of patients with immune-mediated colitis secondary to anti-CTLA-4 antibody treatment

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Five patients in a phase III trial for malignant melanoma treatment who developed diarrhea after receiving anti-CTLA-4 antibody treatment were evaluated. Four patients received tremelimumab, and one received ipilimumab. All five patients presented with acute diarrhea within a median of 35 days (range 10–53) after the last anti-CTLA-4 dose. Diarrhea was defined as loose or watery, nonbloody, and occurring four to eight times daily. Laboratory results were benign, and infection diarrhea was ruled out. Each patient underwent flexible sigmoidoscopy that revealed edema, erythema, ulcerations, and fibrinopurulent exudates. All five patients were treated with high-dose corticosteroids (prednisone 40–60 mg by mouth daily) for one week. Patients with continued, relapsed, or partial response beyond one week of treatment were treated with infliximab 5 mg/kg.

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 5   
  • AGE = 50–78 years
  • MALES: 2, FEMALES: 3
  • CURRENT TREATMENT: Immunotherapy
  • OTHER KEY SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: No previous history of unexplained diarrhea or inflammatory bowel disease, acute diarrhea after receiving anti-CTLA-4


  • SITE: Single site   
  • SETTING TYPE: Outpatient    
  • LOCATION: Miami, FL

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • PHASE OF CARE: Active antitumor treatment
  • APPLICATIONS: Elder care, palliative care 

Study Design

Prospective, observational trial

Measurement Instruments/Methods

Case series report


Treatment with infliximab resulted in a resolution of symptoms within two to three days in all patients. Resolution was defined as a return to baseline bowel habits of one to two solid bowel movements per day. One patient had recurrence of symptoms within three weeks and was given a second treatment with infliximab with success. All patients had a four- to six-week follow-up to ensure resolution. None had a repeat sigmoidoscopy. The authors concluded that, to their knowledge, no untoward side effects to inflixamab have occurred, including infection. The discussion refers to this regimen as based on one article (Beck et al.). The discussion also raises concerning issues about the affect of infliximab on tumor response. The current authors further state that the drug could affect other immune suppressant properties, predisposing patients to serious infection and cancer progression.


Infliximab was effective in resolving immunotherapy-related diarrhea in this small group of patients.


  • Small sample (< 30)
  • Baseline sample/group differences of import
  • Risk of bias (no control group)
  • Risk of bias (no blinding)
  • Risk of bias (no appropriate attentional control condition)
  • Unintended interventions or applicable interventions not described that would influence results
  • Selective outcomes reporting
  • Measurement/methods not well described
  • Findings not generalizable


Nursing Implications

Anti-CTLA-4 antibody treatment can cause immune-mediated colitis. Nurses must be knowledgeable about advances in the treatment of immune-related adverse reactions, such as colitis.


Johnson, J.A., Rash, J.A., Campbell, T.S., Savard, J., Gehrman, P.R., Perlis, M., . . . Garland, S.N. (2015). A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) in cancer survivors. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 27, 20–28.


STUDY PURPOSE: To systematically analyze the available literature and conduct a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) that have been completed to date, and to determine a more precise estimate of the efficacy of this intervention on insomnia in people diagnosed with cancer
TYPE OF STUDY: Meta-analysis and systematic review

Search Strategy

DATABASES USED: Cochrane CENTRAL, PubMed, PsycINFO, and EMBASE. It is important to note that an ancestry search was performed. Unpublished and ongoing trials were identified through and Current Controlled Trials, and authors were contacted to obtain further information.
KEYWORDS: Insomnia, cancer, cognitive behavior therapy, randomized controlled trial (combination of MeSH [Medical Subject Headings] and keyword terms)
INCLUSION CRITERIA: Study included adults with cancer with clinically relevant insomnia defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, the International Classification of Sleep Disorders, or the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) with a clinical cutoff score of eight, a selected intervention (CBT-I with both cognitive and behavioral components), and an outcome (sleep diary data reporting on sleep efficiency).
EXCLUSION CRITERIA: No specific exclusion criteria was stated.

Literature Evaluated

TOTAL REFERENCES RETRIEVED: The authors screened 1,675 records. Full-text articles were assessed for eligibility (n = 66). Eight studies fulfilled all eligibility for qualitative and quantitative analysis.
EVALUATION METHOD AND COMMENTS ON LITERATURE USED: Of the eight studies, five reported on outcomes of women with stage I-III breast cancer, while the remaining reported on the outcomes of men and women with various diagnoses. Interventions were weekly, five to eight weeks in length, and were provided in a wide variety of formats (i.e., individual, group, video, or online). Both passive and active controls were used (i.e., waitlist control, treatment-as-usual, sleep education, behavioral placebo, and mindfulness). A specific scoring system for study quality was used: Quality of methods and design and quality of treatment were independently rated for each RCT. Intra-class correlation coefficient using absolute agreement for two raters was 0.95 for total quality score, 0.94 for treatment quality subscale, and 0.95 for design quality subscale. Meta-analysis was performed on sleep diary and insomnia severity data in seven of eight RCTs.

Sample Characteristics

TOTAL PATIENTS INCLUDED IN REVIEW: 752 (434 CBT-I and 318 control)
SAMPLE RANGE ACROSS STUDIES: 21–150 survivors of cancer
KEY SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: Five studies reported on outcomes of women with stage I-III breast cancer and the remaining studies reported on outcomes of men and women with various cancer diagnoses.

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

PHASE OF CARE: Multiple phases of care


CBT-I resulted in a significant improvement on sleep efficiency relative to control from pre- to postintervention (p < 0.01), with a medium effect size pooled across studies (0.53, 95% CI [0.39; 0.68]); and improvement at six-month follow-up (p < 0.01), with effect size (0.33,  95% CI [0.11, 0.54]). There were significant improvement on sleep onset latency relative to control from pre- to postintervention (p < 0.01), with a small to medium effect size pooled across studies (0.43, 95% CI [0.27, 0.58]); and it persisted at six months (p < 0.01), with effect size pooled across studies (0.27, 95% CI [0.11, 0.44]). And, finally, there were significant improvements on wake after sleep onset from pre- to post-intervention (p < 0.01), with a small to medium effect size pooled across studies (0.41, 95% CI [0.24, 0.59]) persisting at six months (p < 0.01), with effect size pooled across studies (0.27, 95% CI [0.11, 0.44]). Overall, there were statistically significant improvements in insomnia severity following CBT-I relative to control from pre- to postintervention (p < 0.01), with a large effect size pooled across studies (0.77, 95% CI [0.6, 0.93]). Four RCTs reported data on insomnia severity at six months (p < 0.01), with effect size pooled across studies (0.54, 95% CI [0.37, 0.73]).


The results of the meta-analysis indicate that survivors of cancer treated with CBT-I showed improvements in sleep efficiency, sleep onset latency, and wake after sleep onset as measured by sleep diaries, and insomnia symptom severity as measured by the ISI when compared to the usual care, waitlist control, or active comparator conditions. In addition, the observed effects persisted at six-month follow-up, suggesting that CBT-I provides significant, lasting improvements in sleep. Future research should examine the mechanisms by which CBT-I improves sleep in the cancer population. And specifically, the relative impact of behavioral versus cognitive change is unclear.


It was not possible to directly compare the efficacy of CBT-I as delivered either individually, in a group, online, or via video. Majority of included trials were conducted in women with stage I-III breast cancer, and it is unclear how well the observed results will generalize across the cancer continuum.

Nursing Implications

Individuals diagnosed with cancer are particularly vulnerable to insomnia with a prevalence rate almost twice that of the general population (50%–60% versus 12%–25%). CBT-I was effective across diverse treatment modalities, intervention lengths, and cancer diagnoses or stages in improving sleep diary outcomes that were durable at six months.


Johnson, J.R., Crespin, D.J., Griffin, K.H., Finch, M.D., & Dusek, J.A. (2014). Effects of integrative medicine on pain and anxiety among oncology inpatients. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs, 2014, 330–337. 

Study Purpose

To investigate the effectiveness of integrative medicine therapies on pain and anxiety among patients with cancer

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

The integrative medicine (IM) therapies included in this study were in three different categories, (a) bodywork, which included craniosacral therapy, medical massage, and reflexology, (b) mind-body and energy (MBE) therapies, which were further divided into separate categories, and (c) traditional Chinese medicine, which included acupressure, acupuncture, and Korean hand therapy. Patients could receive therapy from one category or from more than one in combination therapy.

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 1,833  
  • MEDIAN AGE = 59 years (range = 44–74 years)
  • MALES: 35.8%, FEMALES: 64.2%
  • KEY DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Primary malignancy sites included female breast, bronchus, lung, trachea, colorectal area, hematopoietic or lymph area, and prostate. Patients with all other primary malignancies who were not included in any of these categories were grouped together into an “other” cancer site designation.


  • SITE: Single site
  • SETTING TYPE: Inpatient hospital
  • LOCATION: Midwest United States

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • PHASE OF CARE: Acute, chronic, and palliative  
  • APPLICATIONS: Elder care and palliative care 

Study Design

This retrospective, observational study collected data from electronic medical records.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Pain and anxiety scores were taken by practitioners directly before and after each session using an 11-point scale on which 0 indicated no pain and 10 the worst pain imaginable.


The study demonstrated that females had a 63% higher incidence of receiving IM therapies than males. Patients designated as moderate, major, and extreme were significantly correlated with the use of IM therapies during hospital admissions. When IM therapies were included in the regression analysis, bodywork therapy such as massage was 18.2% more effective than MBE therapy and 6.9% more effective than combination therapy. Both traditional Chinese medicine (14.3%) and combination therapy (11.3%) were more effective than MBE. Overall, IM sessions resulted in an average 46.9% reduction in pain and an average 56.1% reduction in anxiety.


The results of this study indicated that IM therapies need more extensive research to validate findings, suggesting a correlation between improved self-reported pain and anxiety scores and use of these therapies alone or in combination.


  • Risk of bias (no control group)
  • Risk of bias (no blinding)
  • Risk of bias (no random assignment)

Nursing Implications

Nurses in the oncology inpatient and outpatient settings are instrumental in research evaluating pain management techniques such as IM therapies. Nurses conduct, lead, and participate in every aspect of these studies evaluating patient outcomes from pain management interventions for patients with cancer. Observational studies and qualitative research will be instrumental in developing future evidence-based guidelines.


Johnson, R. L., Block, I., Gold, M. A., Markwell, S., & Zupancic, M. (2010). Effect of methylphenidate on fatigue in women with recurrent gynecologic cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 19, 955–958.

Study Purpose

To evaluate the effect of methylphenidate on fatigue in women with recurrent gynecologic cancer.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Women with recurrent gynecologic cancer currently receiving chemotherapy and reporting fatigue at baseline were prescribed methylphenidate. The dose started at 5 mg taken at 8 am and noon and was titrated up to 10 mg at two weeks if the patient reported a limited response. Data were obtained at baseline and two, four, and eight weeks.

Sample Characteristics

  • In total, 13 women were included. 
  • Average age was 59 years (range 23–87).
  • All patients had recurrent gynecologic cancer:  ovary (n = 25), endometrial (n = 1), cervical (n = 1), vaginal (n = 1), sex cord endometrial (n = 1), ovary and endometrial (n = 1), and unknown histology (n = 2).
  • Patients were Caucasian (n = 29), Native American (n = 1), African American  (n = 1), and unknown (n = 1); no other demographic was information available.


  • Single site   
  • Outpatient   
  • Comprehensive cancer center in the United States; University of Oklahoma

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

Patients were undergoing the active treatment on chemotherapy phase of care.

Study Design

The study was a prospective trial.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Fatigue Symptom Inventory (FSI) 
  • Functional Assessment of Cancer Treatment–General (FACT-G)
  • Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI)


Thirty-two women were initially enrolled; only 13 completed the eight-week follow-up. Scores on the FSI decreased statistically significantly from baseline at all measurement points (week 2, p = 0.0088; week 3, p = 0.0007; week 3, p = 0.0001). BSI scores also decreased, with scores at weeks 4 and 8 significantly lower than baseline (p = 0.015 and 0.0015, respectively). There was an overall change in FACT-G scores over time (p = 0.0351), with significant change in physical well-being (p = 0.0235) and emotional well-being (p = 0.0099). There was no change in family/social and functional well-being.


Methylphenidate may be beneficial to women with recurrent gynecologic cancer experiencing treatment-related fatigue.


  • The study had a small sample size, with less than 100 patients.
  • The study lacked a control group.
  • There was significant attrition.
  • The group was very select (recurrent gynecologic cancer).
  • There was one treatment site in one country.
  • The study lacked racial/ethnic diversity.

Nursing Implications

Findings suggest that methylphenidate may be beneficial in this small select type of patients. No adverse drug information was formally collected (the authors reported several patients withdrew from the study due to blurred vision, confusion, and dizziness but did not address whether these might be drug- or disease-related); thus, nurses would need to monitor patients closely who receive these drugs.


Johnson, C.D., Berry, D.P., Harris, S., Pickering, R.M., Davis, C., George, S., . . . Sutton, R. (2009). An open randomized comparison of clinical effectiveness of protocol-driven opioid analgesia, celiac plexus block or thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy for pain management in patients with pancreatic and other abdominal malignancies. Pancreatology: Official Journal of the International Association of Pancreatology 9(6), 755–763.

Study Purpose

To assess the effectiveness, after two months, of celiac plexus block (CPB) versus thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy (TS) in patients receiving appropriate medical management (MM) for the pain of pancreatic and other abdominal malignancies

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Patients were randomized to one of three treatment groups (MM, MM+CPB, or MM+TS) in blocks of three, stratified by treatment center, tumor type, and current opioid status (opioid naive, not taking strong opioids or started strong opioids within three days before recruitment, or taking strong opioids for more than three days prior to recruitment). Clinical assessments and data collection occurred at randomization, at weeks 2 and 4, and then monthly. Local researchers were not blinded to procedure. Patients completed a daily diary for two months and completed questionnaires at follow-up visits. Oral modified-release morphine was prescribed according to standard practice in each setting and increased 30%–50% as needed for pain control. Rescue medication for breakthrough pain was immediate-release oral morphine. Adjuvant analgesic agents—including amitriptyline, valproate, or gabapentin—were also used as needed for neuropathic pain. NSAIDs or dexamethasone was used for liver capsule pain. Opioid switching occurred as needed to avoid side effects or because of a patient's inability to take oral medications. Opioid rotation was not used. Patients maintained a daily diary of pain assessment.

Sample Characteristics

  • Of the 65 patients recruited, 47 completed the study. Authors analyzed data based on intention to treat. In the MM group were 24 patients; in the MM+CPB, 20 patients; in the MM+TS, 21 patients.
  • Mean patient age in the MM group was 65.5 years; in the MM+CPB group, 60.5 years; in the MM+TS group, 60.2 years. The age range in all groups was 46–81 years.
  • Of all patients, 50.8% were female and 49.2% were male.
  • Patients had a confirmed unresectable malignancy of the pancreas or upper abdominal viscera and required opioid analgesia or they had pancreatic or gastric cancer before they had pain. Of the 65 patients recruited, 57 had pancreatic cancer, three had gallbladder cancer, one had bile duct cancer, one had duodenal cancer, and three had unknown malignancies.
  • Patients were excluded from the study if they had had previous thoracic surgery or a history of tuberculosis or another intrathoracic inflammatory condition likely to cause extensive adhesions, if they were unfit for general anesthesia, or if they had a life expectancy of less than one month.


  • Multisite
  • Outpatient
  • United Kingdom

Study Design

Open randomized comparison

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Reduced version of the short form Brief Pain Inventory (BPI)
  • European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) Core Module
  • Adverse-event assessment by clinicians
  • Opioid consumption
  • Four-point Likert scale for pain assessment (assessments recorded in daily diary)


Pain relief was achieved in one third of patients at two weeks and in just under half of all patients at two months. Researchers observed no differences between groups in pain scores or total opioid consumption at any time point. Two months after randomization, 73% of subjects were taking opioids. Four serious adverse events occurred in three patients: One patient in the MM group was hospitalized for confusion eventually thought to be unrelated to the study medication, one patient was hospitalized for wound infection after TS, and one patient in the TS group had intraoperative bleeding that was resolved with sutures. Of all participants, 53% took opioids regularly during the study and 11.8% took adjuvant analgesics. Worst pain and average pain declined somewhat in all groups.


Authors reported no significant intergroup differences in pain scores or opioid consumption and no correlation between continued use of opioids and effective pain relief. The absence of any benefit from interventions led researchers to question the value of the interventions.


  • The study had a small sample size, with fewer than 100 participants.
  • Due to slow recruitment and poor pain responses, researchers elected to discontinue the study. Even in the MM group, one fourth of patients had stopped taking opioids at the two-month interval but reported no significant difference in pain control.
  • This study did not assess the psychological and social effects of pain. This may have had an impact on pain reporting.
  • Authors expressed concern about the possibility of the open design of the study influencing patients' perceptions of pain and patients' expectations regarding the treatment arm to which they were randomized.
  • Authors did not report actual statistical results.
  • The study was underpowered to detect differences.
  • Authors did not report actual opioid doses or data regarding use of rescue medications.

Nursing Implications

The study presents insufficient evidence to support the efficacy of one treatment over the others.

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