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Diggelmann, K.V., Zytkovicz, A.E., Tuaine, J.M., Bennett, N.C., Kelly, L.E., & Herst, P.M. (2010). Mepilex Lite dressings for the management of radiation-induced erythema: A systematic inpatient controlled clinical trial. The British Journal of Radiology, 83(995), 971–978.

Study Purpose

  • To determine the clinical efficacy of Mepilex Lite dressings in reducing radiation-induced erythema in women with breast cancer receiving radiation therapy treatments 
  • To determine the effect of Mepilex Lite dressings on dose build-up and on surface skin temperature
  • To determine the dose distribution over the breast

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

When erythema was visible (generally 10–14 days after first fraction), each affected skin area was randomly divided into two similar halves: one was treated using Mepilex Lite dressings, the other with standard aqueous cream. Mepilex Lite dressings are absorbent, self-adhering dressings consisting of a thin flexible sheet of absorbent hydrophilic polyurethane foam bonded to a water vapour-permeable polyurethane film backing layer. The contact surface of the dressing is coated with a soft silicone adhesive layer without any added chemicals, providing a moist wound-healing environment. Dressings were positioned by a research radiation therapist on half of the area where erythema was present, with the location marked by semi-permanent marker so patients could accurately reposition dressings after showering. The other half continued to be treated with aqueous cream. Allocation of dressings and controls was random based on order of entry into the trial. Skin areas were designated as superior/medial or inferior/lateral. Radiation-Induced Skin Reaction Assessment Scale (RISRAS) scores were determined three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) from the moment erythema was visible until completion of radiation treatment. Two more assessments were completed one week after completion of treatment and at the final check-up (usually four weeks after completion of treatment). Because anecdotal evidence suggested the dressings may have a cooling effect, skin temperature of the 10 patients was measured three times a week during every skin assessment. The study endpoint was development of dry desquamation as departmental protocol is to cover any area of dry desquamation with Mepilex Lite dressings, thus removing control side of clinical trial.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study sample (N = 24) was comprised of female patients receiving radiation therapy treatment for breast cancer.
  • Mean age was 58 years, with a range of 43–79 years.
  • A total of 34 areas of erythema were treated (eight women had two separate areas for analysis and one woman had three separate areas for analysis).
  • Patients were excluded from the study if they had radical mastectomy, fractionation regimes other than 50 Gy per 25 fractions, prone treatment position, impaired mobility, or fungating tumor.
  • One woman was Maori/Lebanese and all others were Caucasian.
  • Surface areas analyzed ranged from 50–150 cm2.
  • Chemotherapy was given prior to radiation treatment for six women (5- ACT, 1- FEC). 
  • Five women smoked at time of study and seven women had previously smoked. 
  • All trial participants received 50/25 fractions; in addition, four women received boosts to their axilla and upper-outer breast quadrant and one woman received a boost to the superior anterior breast and upper-inner breast quadrant.



The study took place at a single site in New Zealand.

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

Patients were undergoing the active treatment and transition phase. The study has clinical applicability to late effects and survivorship care.

Study Design

The study used a quasi-experimental, unblinded design. The study was labeled by investigators as a systematic inpatient randomized controlled clinical trial.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Extent of erythema was measured using a modified RISRAS scale. The scale consists of a research component (visible extent of skin reaction) and a patient component (level of pain, itchiness, burning and effect on day-to-day life). Because the trial end point was dry desquamation, only extent of erythema (0–4) was included in the research component.
  • Tissue maximum ratio measurements were taken at various depths when a Mepilex Lite dressing was applied to the surface to calculate its bolus effect. Measurements were taken with a white water phantom chamber in combination with PTW Unidos E electrometer.  Readings were made with and without the Mepilex Lite dressing on the surface of the phantom over the chamber.  The maximum value was determined for each energy level.
  • Surface skin temperature was measured using an infrared thermographic scanner to detect subtle skin temperature variations scores across the control and Mepilex areas. Skin temperature was measured for the first 10 patients three times a week during every skin assessment.
  • Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) were used to calculate the actual dose received by the skin in different areas of the breast, comparing dose that had been received with the dose that the planning system intended giving. They were also used as a reference point for the level of skin reaction experienced by the patient. TLDs were placed in seven areas on the breast as outlined per protocol.


  • Mepilex Lite dressings had a very small bolus effect. The difference in dose between Mepilex and control under two different beams was shown to decrease with depth, demonstrating a 0.5 mm difference in dose build-up.
  • Mepilex Lite dressings decreased the extent of radiation-induced erythema. The average increase in combined, researcher and patient RISRAS scores for the 34 areas of skin analyzed showed the dressings significantly decreased the extent of the radiation-induced erythema (p < 0.001). Most of the patients (71%) preferred the dressings over the cream and commented that the dressings were soothing, providing pain relief and relief from friction.
  • Mepilex Lite dressings did not affect surface skin temperature. The average difference between the surface skin temperature of the dressed and undressed areas was statistically insignificant in the first 10 patients (p = 0.77). Temperature measurements were not completed in the remainder of patients.
  • Breast regions at risk from radiation-induced side effects were measured by TLDs. The inframammary fold received the highest dose regardless of breast size, which was highly statistically significant (p < 0.00001). Most patients (67%) developed moist desquamation in their inframmary fold. 
  • Twenty-four percent of skin areas treated with aqueous cream broke down to reach dry desquamation. These patients were stopped from further participation in the trial as departmental protocol was to apply Mepilex Lite dressings to dry desquamation. Fifteen percent of skin areas dressed with Mepilex Lite developed dry desquamation. Dry desquamation led to moist desquamation in all instances, suggesting that the dressings may decrease the number of skin areas reaching moist desquamation. Moist desquamation was not part of the trial outcomes.


Mepilex Lite dressings decreased the severity of radiation-induced erythema in patients with breast cancer treated with radiation therapy. The majority of patients preferred the dressings over the cream and thought they increased comfort levels, decreased the amount of pain experienced, and allowed patients to wear normal clothing. Mepilex Lite dressings did not affect surface skin temperature and did not cause a significant dose build-up.  


  • The study had a small sample size, with less than 30 patients.
  • The study took place at a single site.
  • The study had a potential risk for bias because of randomization of skin areas based on date of entry to the trial (computer-generated randomization numbers should be considered in future trials) and lack of blinding.
  • Most insurances do not cover dressings for non-draining skin issues. The expense of application of Mepilex Lite dressings at the time of erythema would be cost prohibitive to many patients undergoing radiation treatment.
  • The end point of this trial was dry desquamation. RISRAS measurements were stopped when the end point was reached, possibly obscuring the effects of Mepilex Lite dressings as skin toxicity progresses to moist desquamation.

Nursing Implications

What are insurance implications for patients who would potentially benefit from Mepilex Lite? Further studies with larger sample sizes, multiple centers, and other treatment areas known to demonstrate increased skin toxicity are needed.


Di Franco, R., Calvanese, M., Murino, P., Manzo, R., Guida, C., Di Gennaro, D., . . . Ravo, V. (2012). Skin toxicity from external beam radiation therapy in breast cancer patients: Protective effects of Resveratrol, Lycopene, Vitamin C and anthocianin (Ixor®). Radiation Oncology (London, England), 7, 12.

Study Purpose

To evaluate the effect of dietary supplements in reducing skin toxicity due to radiotherapy in patients with breast cancer

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Patients were treated with either dietary supplements or use of topical prophylactic hyaluronic acid and a topical steroid therapy in case of occurrence of radiodermatitis. Patients who were treated with dietary supplements were perscribed resveratrol, lycopene, vitamin C, and anthocyanins at a does of 2 tablets per day. Patients were not randomly assigned.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study sample (N = 71) was comprised of female patients.
  • Age ranged from 30–80 years.
  • Some patients were receiving adjuvant chemotherapy as well



The study took place in an outpatient setting.

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

Patients were undergoing active antitumor treatment.

Study Design

 The study used a retrospective observational design.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

Patients were assessed using the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group and European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer skin toxicity scale.


In patients evaluated at various radiation therapy doses, odds ratios and relative risk of development of grade 0–1 and 2–3 skin toxicity were calculated.  All ratios were less than 1.0, which cannot be evaluated. No statistically significant differences were reported, and no analysis of significance was provided.


The study does not provide or report sufficient evidence to draw any conclusions.


  • The study had a small sample size, with less than 100 participants.
  • The study had a risk of bias due to no control group, blinding, or random assignment.
  • Measurement and methods were not described.
  • Measurement validity and reliability are questionable.

Nursing Implications

The study does not provide evaluative evidence for use of dietary supplements to prevent radiodermatitis.


Diedrich, B., Remberger, M., Shanwell, A., Svahn, B.M., & Ringden, O. (2005). A prospective randomized trial of a prophylactic platelet transfusion trigger of 10 x 109 per L versus 30 x 109 per L in allogeneic hematopoietic progenitor cell transplant recipients. Transfusion, 45, 1064–1072. 

Study Purpose

To compare differences in the number of platelet transfusions received and episodes of hemorrhagic bleeding, based upon a prophylactic transfusion trigger of either less than 10 x 109 per L or less than 30 x 109 per L, in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic progenitor stem cell transplants

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Patients were randomized (after stratification) to receive prophylactic platelet transfusions at either less than 10 x 109 or less than 30 x 109 per L. The number of transfusions received, the types of bleeding episodes, and the number of red blood cell transfusions were recorded 7 days pre- to 30 days post-transplantation. The results of the morning lab draws identified the need for transfusion based upon the trigger group (T 10 or T 30). In addition, patients were assessed daily (if inpatient) and twice weekly (if outpatient) by nurses blinded to the treatment arm. A special research nurse was used to collect study data. 

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 166  
  • AGE RANGE = 1–63 years
  • MALES: 52%, FEMALES: 48%
  • KEY DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Patients undergoing transplants for non-malignant, acute, or chronic leukemia, or other solid tumor malignancy. Exclusion criteria included known bleeding disorders or coagulopathy.


  • SITE: Single-site    
  • SETTING TYPE: Inpatient    
  • LOCATION: University Hospital in Sweden

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • PHASE OF CARE: Active antitumor treatment
  • APPLICATIONS: Pediatrics

Study Design

Prospective, randomized trial

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • World Health Organization (WHO) criteria


There were no significant differences between the groups based upon donor type, origin of hematopoietic progenitor cells, age, or conditioning regime used. There was a significantly lower number of transfusions received in the T 10 group (median 4 versus 10, p < 0.001) without a significant difference in the episodes of bleeding between groups.


The evidence suggests that the trigger for prophylactic platelet transfusions in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic progenitor stem cell transplants may be safely decreased from 30 x 109 to 10 x 109 per L.


Note that the logistic regression multivariate analysis of factors associated with platelet transfusions before day 30 and before day 60 demonstrate wide confidence intervals (95% CI, 3.08–18.7 and 95% CI 1.82–9.67, respectively).

Nursing Implications

Nurses will care for patients at risk of life threatening bleeding and need to be aware of indications for platelet transfusion. A lower threshold for prophylactic transfusion may conserve the blood supply.


Didem, A., Ayfer, E., & Ayse Ferda, O. (2014). The effect of chewing gum on oral mucositis in children receiving chemotherapy. Health Science Journal, 8, 373–382.

Study Purpose

To determine if chewing gum is efficacious in the prevention and treatment of oral mucositis in children receiving chemotherapy regimens

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

  • Permission from institution
  • Written informed consent obtained from parents of each child
  • Interview with parent and child to elicit demographic information
  • The study group consisted of children chewing nonsugary gum for 10 days three times daily for 20 minutes (abstaining from drinking water one hour before chewing gum).
  • Both study groups used Tantum® mouthwash for standard oral care and continued usual tooth brushing.
  • Children’s oral assessments were performed on day s1, 5, and 10 using the World Health Organization (WHO) Oral Mucositis Index (OMI). An Eilers’ Oral Assessment Guide with pH measurements was taken.
  • All assessments were performed by the same researcher.

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 60  
  • AGE RANGE = 6–18 years
  • MALES: 48.33%, FEMALES: 51.7%
  • KEY DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Hodgkin lymphoma, and Wilms tumor
  • OTHER KEY SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: Duration of hospitalization by day, number receiving chemotherapy, and duration of disease by year


  • SITE: Single site
  • SETTING TYPE: Inpatient pediatric oncology clinic at a university hospital
  • LOCATION: Istanbul

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • PHASE OF CARE: Active antitumor treatment
  • APPLICATIONS: Pediatrics

Study Design

Quasi-experimental study with a control group

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • World Health Organization (WHO) Oral Mucositis Index (OMI)
  • Eilers’ Oral Assessment Guide (EOAG)
  • Intraoral pH assessment measured by researchers within one minute after chewing using pH colormatic strips placed under the tongue for two minutes (values ranged from 4–9)


  • Acute lymphoblastic leukemia was the most common diagnosis.
  • No statistical difference between demographic data in both control and study groups related to age, gender, or educational states was found.
  • At end of the study, significant difference (p < 0.5) in mucositis severity between the two groups existed.
  • At the start of study, the average pH value was 5.8 (SD = 0.6) for the study group and 5.9 (SD = 0.3) for the control group. At end of study (day 10), the average pH value was 6.4 (SD = 0.2) in the study group and 6 (SD = 0.3) in the control group. This was statistically significant (p < 0.5).


Chewing gum was an effective option for preventing and treating oral mucositis in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, Hodgkin lymphoma, and Wilms tumors.


  • Small sample (< 100)
  • Risk of bias (no control group)
  • Risk of bias (no blinding)
  • Unintended interventions or applicable interventions not described that would influence results
  • Findings not generalizable
  • Other limitations/explanation: Unintended interventions such as avoiding certain foods or using ice chips at home were not described. Not all children had the same mucositis severity in this study. The type of gum was not described and its ingredients were not described.

Nursing Implications

  • This study indicated a potential treatment and prevention intervention for pediatric patients with cancer.
  • Its findings point to areas for additional nursing research.
  • The intervention was low-cost, accessible, and easy to administer.

Didem, K., Ufuk, Y.S., Serdar, S., & Zumre, A. (2005). The comparison of two different physiotherapy methods in treatment of lymphedema after breast surgery. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 93(1), 49–54.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

The experimental group underwent complete decongestive therapy that included lymph drainage using the Foldi method, multilayer compression bandage, elevation, remedial exercises, and skin care. The control group underwent standard physical therapy that included compression bandages, elevation, head-neck and shoulder exercises, and skin care. Both groups had a home program of bandaging, skin care, and walking. Therapy was three times per week for four weeks.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study sample (N = 53) was comprised of patients with lymphedema post-breast cancer treatment.
  • Patients were randomly assigned and blinded to the intervention in the experimental group (n = 27) or the control group (n = 26).
  • Average duration of lymphedema at the time of treatment was three years.
  • Patients were experiencing mild-to-moderate lymphedema; mild lymphedema (n = 21) was defined as a 2 cm circumference difference and moderate (n = 32) a difference of 2–5 cm.
  • Patients were excluded from the study if they had
    • Obvious psychiatric illness
    • Severe pain in the axillary region
    • Severe cardiac disease
    • Uncontrolled hypertension
    • Malignancy.
  • The average mean volume was 580 ml.
  • Patients were assessed for type of breast cancer procedures, but this was not used for characterizing the sample.
  • Of patients in the sample, 24.4% had lumpectomies, 64.2% had modified radical mastectomies, and 11.3% had radical mastectomies.
  • Nine patients had a history of cellulitis, and 44 had no infection.
  • All patients had axillary dissection with a range of 2–35 nodes removed.

Study Design

The study used a prospective trial design.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Range of motion, circumference measurement, and volumetric measurement were assessed before and after treatment.
  • Circumference measurements were taken using a standard one inch, retractable, fiberglass tape measure.
  • Measurements were taken from 10, 15, and 20 cm above and below the olecranon process, at wrist, and at metacorpophalangial joints.
  • Measurements always were taken twice.
  • The same procedure was used for the unaffected arm of each participant.
  • The arm was placed in water-filled container and displaced water was measured.
  • Shoulder mobility was measured using goniometry.
  • Function was measured as the active mobility with extension-flexion, abduction-adduction, and external rotation.


Mean percentage reduction in edema was 55.7% in the experiential group and 36% in control group (p < 0.05). Only 45% had limitation of range of motion to start. Reduction in shoulder mobility was 48.1% in the experiential group and 42.3% in control group before treatment. Shoulder flexion and abduction movements in both groups were increased after treatment (p < 0.05). No significant difference was found in shoulder external rotation in both groups (p > 0.05). No difference was found between groups in shoulder mobility.


Patients were similarly classified using circumferential and volumetric measurements; therefore, either of the methods can be used.


  • The sample size was small, with less than 100 patients.
  • Patients had extensive disease of more than three years duration.
  • The tissue was not described.
  • Lymphedema was not staged.

Didem, K., Ufuk, Y.S., Serdar, S., & Zumre, A. (2005). The comparison of two different physiotherapy methods in treatment of lymphedema after breast surgery. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 93(1), 49–54.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

The study included an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group received complete decongestive therapy (CDT) that included lymph drainage (Foldi method), multilayer compression bandage, elevation, remedial exercises, and skin care. The control group received standard physical therapy that included compression bandages, elevation, head and neck and shoulder exercises, and skin care. Both groups had a home program of bandaging, skin care, and walking. Therapy was three times per week for four weeks.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study sample (N = 53) included 27 experimental group patients and 26 control group patients who were randomly assigned and blinded to the intervention.
  • All patients had mild (n = 32) or moderate (n = 21) lymphedema post-breast cancer treatment (2 cm circumference difference was defined as mild lymphedema, and 2–5 cm circumference difference was defined as moderate).
  • Average duration of lymphedema at the time of treatment was three years; all patients had experienced lymphedema for more than one year. 
  • Patients measuring 2–5 cm were excluded from the study based on obvious psychiatric illness, severe pain in axillary region, severe cardiac disease, uncontrolled hypertension, or malignancy.
  • The average mean volume was 580 ml. 
  • Patients were assessed for type of breast cancer procedures, but the sample was not characterized by them.
  • Of the 53 patients who were post-breast cancer treatment, 24.4% had lumpectomies, 64.2% modified radical mastectomies, and 11.3% radical mastectomies. In addition, 13.2% received chemotherapy and 49.1% hormonal therapy. 
  • All patients had axillary dissection with a range of 2–35 nodes removed and a mean of 24.2.


The study took place at a school of physical therapy.

Study Design

A prospective trial design was used.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Range of motion, circumference measurement, and volumetric measurement were assessed before and after treatment.
  • Circumference was measured using a standard one-inch, retractable, fiberglass tape measure.
  • Measurements were taken from 10, 15, and 20 cm above and below the olecranon process, at wrist, and at metacorpophalangial joints.
  • Measurements always were taken twice.
  • The same procedure was used for the unaffected arm of each participant.
  • To measure volume, the arm was placed in a water-filled container and displaced water was measured.
  • Goniometry was used to determine shoulder mobility. 
  • Function was measured as the active mobility with extension-flexion, abduction-adduction, and external rotation.


  • Mean percentage reduction in edema was 55.7% in the experimental group and 36% in the control group (p < 0.05).
  • Only 45% of patients had limited of range of motion to start. Reduction in shoulder mobility was 48.1% in the experimental group and 42.3% in control group before treatment.
  • Shoulder flexion, abduction movements in both groups were increased after treatment (p < 0.05).
  • No significant difference was found in shoulder external rotation in both groups (p > 0.05).
  • No difference between groups in shoulder mobility was found.
  • Similar patient classification was found using circumferential and volumetric measurements.


Either of the methods can be used.


  • Patients had extensive disease of more than three years' duration.
  • No description of the tissue (pitting fibrotic) was provided.
  • Lymphedema was not staged.
  • The sample size was small.

Dibble, S.L., Luce, J., Cooper, B.A., Israel, J., Cohen, M., Nussey, B., Rugo, H. (2007). Acupressure for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: A randomized clinical trial. Oncology Nursing Forum, 34, 813-820.

Study Purpose

To compare the differences in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) in women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer among three groups: acupressure, acupressure placebo, and usual care

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Subjects were randomized to one of three groups: acupressure to P6 point (active), acupressure to S13 point (placebo), or usual care. Participants in the acupressure groups were taught to apply acupressure wrist devices by research assistants unaware of the active pressure point. All participants completed daily logs for 21 days. Patients measured nausea and vomiting and recorded methods for controlling the symptoms, including antiemetics and acupressure. Research assistants, who had received two hours of training on the study protocol, instructed participants. In an examination or private room, the participants were taught to find a quiet place each morning to perform the acupressure treatment to both P6 points sequentially either as treatment or practice. During the day, participants in the acupressure groups were encouraged to apply digital pressure to one of the points whenever nausea occurred regardless of where they were. Each session was six minutes in the morning and three minutes each during the rest of the day. Self-ratings were completed on a daily basis prior to bedtime. All participants were called or seen on day eight for review of the log and coaching, if needed.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study consisted of 160 women beginning their second or third cycle of chemotherapy for breast cancer.
  • Participants had experienced moderate nausea intensity scores with previous cycles of chemotherapy, based on a score of at least 3 on the Morrow Assessment of Nausea and Emesis.
  • Participants were able to read and write in English.


The study was conducted in community oncology programs associated with M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and nine independent sites.

Study Design

This was a multicenter, longitudinal, randomized controlled trial.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • The Rhodes Index of Nausea and Vomiting (three-item nausea; single-item vomiting subscales) was used.
  • Nausea intensity also was rated with a descriptive, numeric rating scale, ranging from 0–10.
  • The State-Trait Anxiety Index also was used.


  • No significant differences were found in demographic data, disease, or treatment variables among the groups.
  • No significant differences were identified in acute nausea and vomiting among the treatment groups.
  • With delayed nausea and vomiting, the acupressure group demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in the amount of vomiting and intensity of nausea over time when compared with the placebo or usual care groups.
  • No significant differences were found between the placebo and usual care groups.


In conjunction with pharmaceutical management, acupressure at P6 was  found to reduce the amount and intensity of delayed CINV in women undergoing treatment for breast cancer.


  • The same research assistants and nurses taught both pressure points. Although most did not know which pressure point was active, a few referenced the Internet for the information.
  • Some patients with uncontrolled nausea also broke the blind by pursuing more information online.
  • Some participants had challenges finding the location consistently; some needed markings on their wrist. Two participants found application of pressure difficult because of long fingernails.
  • Staff training on the technique and return demonstration were not specifically described.
  • No men or children were included in the study population.

Nursing Implications

Acupressure is a safe and effective tool to be offered to women undergoing breast cancer chemotherapy treatment.


Dibble, S.L., Chapman, J., Mack, K.A., & Shih, A. (2000). Acupressure for nausea: Results of a pilot study. Oncology Nursing Forum, 27, 41-47.

Study Purpose

To compare the effects of usual care (regular antiemetics) versus usual care plus acupressure training on nausea and its intensity in women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

The intervention involved finger acupressure bilaterally at the P6 and ST36 acupressure points located on the forearm and knee for a maximum of three minutes for each point every morning or as needed for nausea. Baseline and poststudy questionnaires and a daily log were used to collect data.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study consisted of 17 adult women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil or doxorubicin-containing regimens). The control group had nine patients, and the experimental group had eight patients.
  • The mean age of both groups was 49 years old.
  • More than half (59%) of participants were Caucasian.


The study was conducted in two sites located in urban areas in the western United States: an outpatient oncology clinic in a major teaching medical center and a private outpatient oncology practice.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Nausea was measured at baseline and poststudy via questionnaires and daily logs.
  • Nausea experience and its intensity were measured with the Rhodes Inventory of Nausea, Vomiting, and Retching.


Significant differences existed between the two groups in regard to nausea experience (p < 0.01) and nausea intensity (p < 0.04) during the first 10 days of the chemotherapy cycle, with the acupressure group reporting less intensity and experience of nausea.


  • The study only looked at a single cycle of treatment.
  • The sample size was small.
  • The sample was limited to women with breast cancer.
  • The ST36 acupressure point was difficult to reach.

DiRenzo, N., Montanini, A., Mannina, D., Dondi, A., Muci, S., Mancuso, S., … Federico, M. (2011). Single-dose palonosetron for prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in patients with aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma receiving moderately emetogenic chemotherapy containing steroids: results of a phase II study from the Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio dei Linfomi (GISL). Supportive Care in Cancer : Official Journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 19(10), 1505-1510.

Study Purpose

To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a single dose of palonosetron, a second-generation serotonin type 3 (5-HT3) receptor antagonist, in patients with aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma receiving moderately emetogenic chemotherapy (MEC)-containing steroids

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Patients received a single IV bolus of palonosetron (0.25 mg) over 30 minutes before administration of chemotherapy (day 1), and patients were assessed from day 1 through day 5. The antiemetic response was evaluated during the acute, delayed, and overall phases, as well on each day.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study reported on 86 participants.
  • Median age was 65 years, with a range of 20–87.
  • The sample was 55% male and 45% female.
  • Patients had aggressive, stage I–IV, non-Hodgkin lymphoma (diffuse large B cell lymphoma = 78%).
  • Patients had European Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) status of 0–2, were receiving R-CHOP, CHOP, R-COMP, and other chemotherapy regimens. Dexamethasone or metoclopramide as rescue medication were available upon patient request.


This multisite was conducted in Italy.

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • All patients were in active treatment.
  • This study has application for late effects and survivorship.

Study Design

This was a prospective, open label, nonrandomized, phase II study.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Complete response (CR) was defined as no vomiting and no rescue therapy during overall phase (0–120 hours).    
  • Complete control was defined as CR and only mild nausea.
  • The percentage of patients experiencing emesis and nausea was recorded.
  • Patients completed diaries on days 1–5, recording the nausea occurrence; nausea severity on a 3-point, Likert-type scale; and use of rescue medication.
  • Patient global satisfaction with antiemetic therapy was measured using a visual analog scale (VAS).


  • CR was observed in 86% of patients during the overall phase. CR during the acute phase was 90.7%, and CR during the delayed phase was 88.4%.
  • CC was 82.6% overall, 89.5% during the acute phase, and 82.6% in the delayed phase. During the overall study period, the emesis-free rate was 74.4%, the nausea-free rate was 74.4%, and no patients experienced severe nausea. The median global satisfaction with antiemetic therapy was 8.0 out of 10.
  • The treatment was well tolerated, and no patients experienced severe adverse events.
  • The most common, grade 1–2 adverse events were constipation (7.0%), headache (5.8%), asthenia (7.0%), and dizziness (1.2%). No grade 3–4 adverse events or significant changes in lab tests or vital signs were recorded during the study period.


A single dose of palonosetron is effective, tolerable, and safe in control of CINV in patients receiving MEC-regimen-containing steroids.


  • No appropriate control group was included.
  • No control for risk factors for CINV other than gender and age. Although antiemetic regimen did not include dexamethasone, the chemotherapy regimen included prednisone.

Nursing Implications

A single dose palonosetron infusion is a tolerable and safe option for patients receiving MEC-containing steroids. A single-dose palonosetron infusion could be less expensive in comparison to multiple administration of IV infusions of the first generation 5-HT3 RAs, which also could save time and required workforce.


Dhruva, A., Miaskowski, C., Abrams, D., Acree, M., Cooper, B., Goodman, S., & Hecht, F. M. (2012). Yoga breathing for cancer chemotherapy-associated symptoms and quality of life: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 18, 473–479.

Study Purpose

To assess the feasibility and effects of pranayama (regulation and expansion of breath) among patients receiving chemotherapy. To test the efficacy of pranayama in alleviating common chemotherapy-associated symptoms (fatigue, sleep disturbance, stress, anxiety, and depression) and improving quality of life (QOL). To evaluate patients' responses to the use of pranayama in alleviating common chemotherapy-associated symptoms affecting QOL.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Participants were randomized 1:1 in blocks of four. The allocation sequence was generated by the study statistician and then transferred to sealed numbered envelopes. The study staff enrolled participants and implemented the allocation sequence, which was concealed from the study staff until study assignment. Blinding of participants was impossible due to the intervention, which consisted of a 60-minute class once per week taught by yoga instructors and twice daily home practice that totaled 20 to 30 minutes per day, along with usual care during two cycles of chemotherapy. The control group received only usual care during the initial cycle of chemotherapy, and the pranayama intervention along with usual care during the second cycle of chemotherapy.

Sample Characteristics

  • The sample was comprised of 16 patients.
  • Mean age was 56 years (standard deviation [SD] = 11.9 years) in the control group and 52.4 years (SD = 14.6 years) in the treatment group.
  • The treatment group was 75% female and 25% male; the control group was 100% female.
  • Patients were receiving intravenous chemotherapy for cancer (50% of participants had breast cancer, 50% had some other type of cancer).
  • Patients were included in the study if they had a visual analog scale (VAS) score for fatigue of at least 4 out of 10 and a Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) of 60 or higher.
  • Patients were excluded from the study if they participated in ongoing yoga practice; had severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), class III or IV heart failure, child class C cirrhosis, or end-stage renal disease; or had received more than three prior chemotherapy regimens.
  • The sample was 62.5% white, and 7 out of 16 were employed.


  • Single site
  • Outpatient
  • University medical center

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

Patients were undergoing the active treatment phase of care.

Study Design

The study was a randomized, controlled trial.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Participants kept a daily diary in which they recorded the amount of time spent practicing pranayama.
  • At baseline, between the first and second cycle, and at the end of the study, the investigators took measures according to these instruments:
    • Piper Fatigue Scale (PFS)
    • General Sleep Disturbance Scale (GSDS)
    • Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)
    • Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)
    • Short Form 12 (SF-12 v1), to measure QOL.


Sixteen of 18 participants completed all study measures:  eight from the control group and eight from the treatment group. The study intervention had no adverse effects. Increased yoga practice was associated with statistically significant reductions in sleep disturbance (p = 0.04) and anxiety (p = 0.04). The mental component of QOL approached statistical significance (p = 0.05).


This was the first study of a pure pranayama intervention for patients with cancer, and it demonstrated that yoga breathing is a feasible and safe intervention for this patient population. Any increase in the yoga breathing practice correlated with improvements of chemotherapy-associated symptoms and QOL. Researchers should confirm these findings by means of a larger study.


  • The study had a small sample size, with less than 30 participants.
  • The study had risks of bias due to lack of an attentional control and due to selection bias:  those who would elect to participate in a study of this kind may be more likely than others to benefit from it. In addition, the study included self-reported outcomes.

Nursing Implications

Among patients with cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy, pranayama breathing techniques may help decrease sleep disturbance and anxiety and increase the mental component of QOL. Pranayama breathing, supplemented with reminders during and between treatments, seems to be an intervention that is feasible for this group of patients.

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