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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Infectious Disease Society of America, & American Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. (2000). Guidelines for preventing opportunistic infections among hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. MMWR Recommendations and Reports, 49, 1–125, CE1–CE7.

Purpose & Patient Population

To summarize the current data and provide comprehensive evidence-based recommendations for the prevention of opportunistic infections in adult and pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients.

Type of Resource/Evidence-Based Process

This was an evidence-based guideline. Evidence was reviewed by multiple professional groups and panels under Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance.

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • Patients were undergoing multiple phases of care.
  • The study has clinical applicability for pediatrics.

Results Provided in the Reference

No results were stated. 

Guidelines & Recommendations

This guideline identified infection risks during preengraftment, postengraftment (30–100 days), and late phase (>100 days) for HSCT recipients, associated with immune system defects, device risks, and incidence of specific viral, bacterial, fungal, and mold infectious risks; very specific prevention strategies per treatment phase for allogeneic and autologous HSCT, as well as for both adult and pediatric patients; information on dosage and timing of prophylactic medication, vaccinations, and other specific medical interventions; recommendations for vaccination and behaviors of household members and close contacts; and recommendations for healthcare workers and environmental infection control practices in transplant centers. It identified phase-specific and life-long behavioral prevention, including food preparation, avoiding specific exposures, pet safety, sexual safety, travel safety, water safety, occupational exposures, and general areas to avoid for patients. 

Evidence Rating System

A - Strong evidence and substantial clinical benefit (strongly recommended)
B - Strong or moderate evidence, but only limited clinical benefit (generally recommended)
C - Insufficient evidence for efficacy or efficacy does not outweigh possible adverse consequences (optional)
D - Moderate evidence against efficacy or for adverse outcome (generally not recommended)
E- Strong evidence against (never recommended)

I - Evidence from at least one well-executed randomized trial
II - Evidence from at least one well-designed clinical trial without randomization, cohort, or case controlled, time series
III - Evidence from opinions of respected authorities

Recommendations With at Least Optional Recommendation Level


  • Pneumococcal vaccination (23-valent) at 12 to 24 months post HSCT in adults and children 2 years and older (BII)
  • Haemophilus influenzae type b (HiB) vaccination at 12, 14, and 24 months post HSCT (BII)
  • Diptheria vaccination at 14 and 24 months post HSCT if older than 7 years (BII)
  • Pertussis revaccination 25 months post HSCT if not immunosuppressed
  • Annual influenza vaccination for household contacts, health providers (AI), and recipients (BII)
  • Polio: Not recommended for adults.  Others should be vaccinated according to guidelines with inactive. (BII)
  • Hepatitis A: Recommended if patients have chronic liver disease or travel to endemic countries and for children older than 24 months living in endemic areas (BII)
  • Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR): recommended for patients older than 12 months, 24 months post HSCT, if they are not immunocompromised (AI)
  • Varicella: Candidate testing and history.  Vaccinate household members and health providers who are seronegative four to six weeks before HSCT. (AIII).  Only vaccinate patients if they are seronegative and exposed.
  • Live attenuated vaccinations should not be used (EIII).

Other Recommendations

  • Candidate testing and sexual partner testing for herpes simplex virus (HSV) (AII)
  • Antiviral prophylaxis in seropositive patients (AI)
  • Use of condoms in nonmonogamous or seropositive partner relationships (applies to cytomegalovirus [CMV] and HSV prevention (BIII)
  • Avoid sharing cups and eating utensils. (BIII)
  • Frequent hand washing (AIII)
  • Avoid contact with potentially infected respiratory secretions or saliva. (AIII)
  • Candidate and partner testing for CMV antibodies (AIII)
  • Antiviral prophylaxis for seropositive patients (AI)
  • Avoid exposure to dust and construction areas. (AIII)
  • Trimethoprim-sulfamethasaxole (TMP-SMZ) prophylaxis for pneumocystis in allogeneic patients and consideration for autologous patients (BIII)
  • Antifungal prophylaxis in allogeneic patients (AI)
  • Allogeneic patients should avoid contact with outhouses and skin exposure to soil or human fecal contaminants. (BIII)
  • Dental evaluation and treatment before conditioning (AIII)


  • No raw or undercooked meat or eggs should be eaten for three months post HSCT, and all immunosuppressive drugs should be stopped. (AIII)
  • Antimicrobial diet restrictions are included but have no evidence base beyond expert opinion.  These include safe food handling in general, avoiding fruit with rough textures, washing fresh fruits and vegetables well, avoiding fresh-squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, raw honey, deli meats, raw uncooked grain products, unroasted raw nuts or nuts in the shell, and unpasteurized beer (such as homemade).


  • There is no strong evidence, but most researchers recommend that plants and fresh or dried flowers should not be allowed in patient rooms during hospitalization.
  • For children, play areas should be disinfected at least weekly. (BIII)
  • No rectal thermometers, enemas, suppositories, or rectal examinations should be used or performed while the patient is immunosuppressed. (DIII)
  • Menstruating women should avoid using tampons.
  • Patients should avoid exposure to crowded areas while in the hospital.  Wearing a mask when off the unit is not recommended as necessary.
  • High-efficiency particulate absorption (HEPA) filtration, positive air pressure rooms, and at least 12 air exchanges/hour are recommended for allogeneic patients (BIII).  This need is not established for autologous patients, and the value of laminar air flow is not established.
  • No hospital visitors with respiratory or other infectious symptoms should visit. (AIII)

Pet Safety

  • Avoid exposure to animals for the first six months and during immunosuppression (no rating).
  • Avoid cleaning litter boxes, cages, or feces; if necessary, wear gloves.
  • Frequent hand washing after touching pets or contact with feces is recommended.

This summary is not intended to provide all content from these guidelines.  The reader should refer to the original document for complete information.


Some recommendations are not supported by research data but are provided as best current knowledge in the area.

Nursing Implications

This was a comprehensive resource, with extensive specific recommendations and identification of the evidence classification of each recommendation.  This is an excellent reference for individuals working with HSCT recipients.


Caviggioli, F., Maione, L., Forcellini, D., Klinger, F., & Klinger, M. (2011). Autologous fat graft in postmastectomy pain syndrome. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 128, 349–352.

Study Purpose

To assess the clinical effectiveness of lipoaspirate graft in the treatment of postmastectomy pain syndrome

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

At baseline (prior to autologous fat grafting) and after treatment, pain was measured using a visual analog scale, and analgesic and drug intake were recorded. A nontreatment control group completed the same measures. At one year, measures were repeated in both groups.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study reported on 113 patients with severe scar retraction and postmastectomy pain syndrome related to breast cancer (treatment group = 72, control group = 41). Sixty-three patients in the treatment group and 35 patients in the control were analyzed.
  • Patient age was not reported.
  • The sample was assumed to be 100% female due to breast cancer population, but this was not stated.


  • Single site
  • Milan, Italy

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • Patients were undergoing the active treatment phase of care.
  • The study has clinical applicability for late effects and survivorship.

Study Design

The study was a prospective, longitudinal intervention with experimental and control groups.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Visual analog scale for pain (0–10) at baseline and one year     
  • Analgesic use recorded at baseline and one year


In the treatment group, there was a decrease in pain (p < 0.0005). The authors noted that 28 of 34 patients stopped their analgesic therapy at 13 months.


  • The study has a small sample, with less than 100 participants.
  • The study lacks a randomized control group.
  • Information about demographics is missing, making baseline characterization of the groups difficult to ascertain.

Nursing Implications

More research is needed to determine if autologous fat grafts will benefit women with postmastectomy pain, but this may be a promising area of study.


Cavezzi, A., Paccasassi, S., & Elio, C. (2013). Lymphedema treatment by means of an electro-medical device based on bioresonance and vacuum technology: Clinical and lymphoscintigraphic assessment. International Angiology, 32, 417–423.

Study Purpose

To assess the efficacy and safety of a medical device based on electric microcurrents and vacuum mechanism on lower limb lymphedema

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Ten daily sessions were performed with an electro-sound wave and vacuum medical device. Lymphoscintigraphy was performed before and after treatments, and an independent observer scored the images. Circumference tape measurement and volumetry were also calculated before and after treatment.

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 8  
  • MEAN AGE = 40.5 years
  • MALES: 25%, FEMALES: 75%
  • KEY DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Lower extremity lymphedema


  • SITE: Single site   
  • SETTING TYPE: Outpatient   
  • LOCATION: Ascoli Piceno, Italy

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • PHASE OF CARE: Not provided

Study Design

  • Observational clinical and instrumental study

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Lymphoscintigraphy examination
  • Electro-medical device (EMD),
  • Visual analog score (1–10)
  • Volumetry
  • Microsoft® Excel software


The total limb volumetry decreased from 9,145 cc to 8,714 cc after 10 sessions. There was an 8% reduction in lower limb volumetry. Ankle and midcalf circumference decreased from 27.7 cm to 27.2 cm and 26.2 cm to 25.2 cm, respectively.


The use of a medical device based on bioresonance and vacuum mechanisms appears to be safe and effective at reducing limb volume and lymphoscintigraphy parameters.


  • Small sample (< 30)
  • Risk of bias (no blinding)


Nursing Implications

This method of limb volume reduction may be effective. However, this was a small study size, and the results of the study require further validation.


Cauwels, R.G., & Martens, L.C. (2011). Low level laser therapy in oral mucositis: A pilot study. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry, 12, 118–123.

Study Purpose

To study the capacity of pain relief and wound healing of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis in a pediatric population

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Children were treated using a GaAIAs diode laser with 830 nm continuous wavelength an output of 150 mW. Laser was applied every 48 hours until complete healing of the lesion occurred.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study reported on 16 patients with a mean age of 9.4 years.
  • The sample was 50% male and 50% female.
  • Patients had been diagnosed with leukemia and lymphoma (n = 12), neuroblastoma (n = 1), osteosarcoma (n = 1), Ewing’s sarcoma (n = 1), and germ cell tumor (n = 1).
  • All patients were receiving chemotherapy.


The study was conducted at a single site in Belgium.

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • Patients were undergoing the active treatment phase of care.
  • The study has clinical applicability for pediatrics.

Study Design

The study used a convenience sample.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • The Modified Faces Pain Scale was used.
  • A visual analogue scale was used.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) Oral Toxicity Scale was used.


Fifty episodes of oral mucositis were included. Pain scores improved after each session with only one exception.


The LLLT appeared to be effective for pain relief in this population.


  • The study sample size was small with fewer than 30 patients.
  • No control group was included.
  • Wound healing measures could have been used, as these are more objective.

Castaman, G., Bona, E.D., Schiavotto, C., Trentin, L., D'Emilio, A., & Rodeghiero, F. (1997). Pilot study on the safety and efficacy of desmopressin for the treatment or prevention of bleeding in patients with hematologic malignancies. Haematologica, 82, 584–587.

Study Purpose

To determine if desmopressin use is effective to prevent bleeding episodes for patients with thrombocytopenia due to bone marrow failure or idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Desmopressin was delivered as 0.4 microgram/kg diluted in 100 mL of NS infused over 30 minutes. Bleeding time was assessed (using standard procedure) before the start of infusion and at one and four hours postinfusion. It is not clear how patients were chosen for inclusion in this study but all had a bleeding event.

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 15
  • MEDIAN AGE = 55.5 years (range = 24–82 years)
  • MALES: 80%, FEMALES: 20%
  • KEY DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Acute leukemia, blast crisis of CML, refractory anemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • OTHER KEY SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: Majority of patients were receiving chemotherapy or just following therapy. Patients had a bleeding episode or were going for a procedure where the risk of bleeding was high.


  • SITE: Single-site  
  • SETTING TYPE: Outpatient  
  • LOCATION: Italy

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • PHASE OF CARE: Transition phase after active treatment
  • APPLICATIONS: Elder care 

Study Design

  • Pilot study

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Bleeding time was calculated using the Simplate II device.


All of the patients had a favorable response after one infusion of desmopressin. Bleeding time slowed during infusion and stopped usually within one hour. No nasal packing was required. Patients were able to have scheduled dental procedures, none required platelet transfusions, and no significant side effects were noted from the desmopressin. None of the patients had evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation.


The findings of this pilot study are interesting to consider for hematologic malignancy groups of patients who receive multiple platelet transfusions and are at risk to become refractory to platelets. Further experimentation is needed to validate the results found here, but on a case-by-case basis, desmopressin infusion could be helpful to decrease bleeding time in thrombocytopenic patients.


  • Small sample (< 30)
  • Baseline sample/group differences of import
  • Risk of bias (no control group)
  • Risk of bias (no blinding) 
  • Risk of bias (no random assignment) 
  • Risk of bias (no appropriate attentional control condition) 
  • Risk of bias (sample characteristics)
  • Measurement validity/reliability questionable
  • Findings not generalizable


Nursing Implications

At this time, this pilot study does not warrant a change in practice due to its severe limitations of generalizability. There needs to be randomized, clinical trials before a change in practice can be endorsed.


Castagna, L., Bramanti, S., Levis, A., Michieli, M. G., Anastasia, A., Mazza, R., . . . Santoro, A. (2010). Pegfilgrastim versus filgrastim after high-dose chemotherapy and autologous peripheral blood stem cell support. Annals of Oncology, 21, 1482–1485.


Study Purpose

To demonstrate that one single fixed dose of pegfilgrastim (PEG) was not inferior compared to daily doses of filgrastim after high-dose chemotherapy (HDC) and autologous peripheral stem cell transplant.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Comparisons between two different granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSFs) (i.e., PEG and filgrastim) were highlighted in this article. The researcher wanted to reveal that PEG is the same high quality as filgrastim after receiving HDC and peripheral blood stem cells starting from day 1. A single fixed dose of PEG was given 24 hours after stem cell infusion.  In the control arm, 5 mcg/kg/day of filgrastim was given from day 1 until absolute neutrophil count (ANC) recovered to greater than .5x 109/l.  Each setting followed its own supportive care and prophylaxis guidelines; however, all patients received quinolone prophylaxis.

Sample Characteristics

  • Seventy-seven of 80 patients were enrolled (three were excluded).
  • Patients included were older than 18 years.     
  • Fifty-six percent of patients were male and 44% were female. 
  • Key disease characteristics were multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, acute leukemia, and solid tumors.
  • Other key sample characteristics were duration of severe neutropenia, ANC recovery days, febrile days, requirement of antibiotics, disease status, and conditioning regimen.


  • Multi-site (three)  
  • Inpatient and outpatient 
  • The locations were not specified.

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • Patients were undergoing the active treatment phase of care.
  • The study has clinical applicability for late effects and survivorship. 

Study Design

This was an open-label, randomized study with a noninferiority design.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Duration of severe neutropenia (ANC <.5x109/l)
  • Number of days to achieve ANC greater tha 1.0x109/l
  • Number of days with fever greater than 38°C
  • Duration of antibiotic and antimycotic therapy
  • Number of documented infections


This study illustrated that the use of a single fixed dose of PEG was not inferior to the use of daily filgrastim. There were no significant differences in measured outcomes between the two groups and no differences in treatment side effects.


PEG can be use alternately to filgrastim as it is only given as one single fixed dose of 6 mg as compared to daily doses of filgrastim.  Infection-related outcomes studied were not different between these two treatment approaches.


  • Small sample (<100)
  • No blinding, with risk of bias. 
  • Other prophylactic treatments varied at different study settings, so care to prevent infections was not consistent for all patients in the study.

Nursing Implications

Use of a single dose of PEG rather than daily injections of filgrastim may be a useful alternative for these types of patients in order to avoid multiple injections.  Findings of this study were limited by sample size, study design issues, and the fact that other prophylactic treatment was not consistent throughout the sample.  Further research in this area will be helpful to confirm differences in the relative equivalency of these two approaches.


Castagna, L., Benhamou, E., Pedraza, E., Luboinski, M., Forni, M., Brandes, I., … Dietrich, P.-Y. (2001). Prevention of mucositis in bone marrow transplantation: A double blind randomised controlled trial of sucralfate. Annals of Oncology, 12, 953–955.

Study Purpose

To compare placebo to sucralfate for prevention of mucositis in high-dose chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant (BMT)

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Treatment was started one day before the regimen. Patients received one 2 g dose pack every three hours during the day and once during the night if awakened for a maximum of 7 per 24 hours until bone marrow (BM) recovery or end of mucositis.

Sample Characteristics

The study reported on 102 patients hospitalized for allogeneic or autologous BMT.


The study was conducted between April 1991 and November 1993.

Study Design

This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind study.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

Patients were examined twice weekly by two physicians only, recorded prospectively, according to adapted Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon (OMS) criteria for grafted patients.


  • Slightly less patients in the sucralfate group (84%) experienced any grade mucositis compared to placebo (88%).
  • Incidence of grade 3-4 mucositis was lower in the sucralfate group (29%) versus placebo (47%) (p = 0.07).
  • The rate of severe mucositis was decreased possibly because of mechanical mouth rinses.
  • When adjusted for total body irradiation (TBI), the p value for frequency of grade 3–4 mucositis in patients who received sucralfate versus placebo was 0.06.


  • Long-term administration of sucralfate was not possible in this patient population because of nausea and vomiting.
  • This study was conducted more than 20 years ago.
  • The summary claims effectiveness for oral and intestinal mucositis; however, data does not support this claim.

Cassileth, B.R., Van Zee, K.J., Yeung, K.S., Coleton, M.I., Cohen, S., Chan, Y.H., … Hudis, C.A. (2013). Acupuncture in the treatment of upper-limb lymphedema: Results of a pilot study. Cancer, 119, 2455–2461.

Study Purpose

To evaluate the safety and potential efficacy of acupuncture in the treatment of arm lymphedema in women with breast cancer-related lymphedema

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Each patient was given acupuncture treatment twice weekly for four weeks. Treatments lasted 30 minutes, as 14 needles were inserted at apecific points determined on the basis of history and consensus of experienced acupuncturists.  Arm circumference was measured before and after each treatment.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study consisted of 33 patients with a mean age of 55 years.
  • All of the participants were female and had breast cancer-related arm lymphedema.
  • Time from surgery was a median of 3.9 years. 
  • Most patients were reported to be on standard lymphedema therapy prior to enrollment.


This was a single-site, outpatient study conducted at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

This study has clinical applicability for late effects and survivorship.

Study Design

This was a prospective trial.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Arm circumference was measured.
  • The percent change in lymphedema was calucated by taking the largest pretreatment difference between arms minus the same site posttreatment difference and dividing that number by the largest pretreatment difference.


  • Just more than three-fourths of the patients (76%) received all intervention sessions. Of these, 33% showed reduction of 30% or more in lymphedema and 55% showed reduction of 20% or more. Mean reduction in the extent of lymphedema was 0.90 cm (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.72–1.07, p < 0.0005). 
  • A segment of patients (12%) reported sustained improvement for four months during follow up; however, the method of obtaining this information was not clearly described. 
  • Additionally, 36.4% of patients reported mild bruising or minor pain or tingling in the arm or shoulder at least once. One patient experienced a transient increase in lymphedema.


Findings suggest that acupuncture can be safely provided to patients with arm lymphedema. However, the benefit is unclear because of study design limitations and the fact that the mean change in lymphedema was very small.


  • The sample size was small with fewer than 100 patients.
  • A risk of bias exists because no control group, blinding, or random assignment was used.
  • Unintended interventions or applicable interventions that were not described could have influenced results.
  • The measurement methods were not well described.
  • The measurement validity and reliability was questionable.
  • The method of lymphedema measurement was not as rigorous as possible. The actual “standard” treatments used are not described, and it is not known if any changes occurred in the standard approaches during the study period, such as activity changes. 
  • The report of duration of effect on follow-up was not clearly described.

Nursing Implications

This study provides insufficient evidence to support efficacy of acupuncture for lymphedema management.


Cassileth, B.R., Van Zee, K.J., Chan, Y., Coleton, M.I., Hudis, C.A., Cohen, S., . . . Vickers, A.J. (2011). A safety and efficacy pilot study of acupuncture for the treatment of chronic lymphoedema. Acupuncture in Medicine: Journal of the British Medical Acupuncture Society, 29(3),170–172.

Study Purpose

To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of acupuncture in women diagnosed with chronic lymphedema

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

Women with chronic lymphedema after breast cancer surgery received acupuncture twice a week for four weeks using Acupoint prescription, chosen by consensus from members of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Integrative Medicine Service certified acupuncturists.

Sample Characteristics

  • The study sample (N = 9) was comprised of female patients aged 18 years or older.
  • Median age of patients was 54 years.
  • All patients had lymphedema (arm circumference greater than 2 cm in comparison to unaffected arm) for at least six months and no more than five years as a result of surgery or radiation therapy for breast cancer.
  • Patients were excluded from the study if they had previous acupuncture treatment for lymphedema or current use of diuretics.


The study took place at the Integrative Medicine Service and Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

The study has clinical applicability for late effects and survivorship.

Study Design

The study used a prospective pilot design.

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Upper extremity volume was measured at two places on both the affected and unaffected extremities. The site with the greater difference between the affected and unaffected arms was used to determine the baseline measurement and assess outcome by comparing changes in the baseline measures.
  • Positive response was considered to be 30% reduction in the difference in size between affected and unaffected upper extremities after four weeks of treatment.


After nine subjects were treated, four women demonstrated a 30% reduction in limb volume after four weeks of treatment, with no significant adverse events occurring. Some patients did experience minor toxicities, such as slight bruising or minor pain at acupuncture site shortly after treatment.


The pilot study suggests that acupuncture for women with arm lymphedema may be practical and was not associated with significant adverse effects. Further research in this area to establish safety and begin to evaluate effectiveness is planned.


  • The sample size was small with less than 30 patients.
  • Sample characteristics present a risk of bias.
  • Measurements and methods were not well described.

Nursing Implications

Additional robust randomized controlled trials are needed to evaluate the use of acupuncture for the treatment of lymphedema.


Cassileth, B.R., & Vickers, A.J. (2004). Massage therapy for symptom control: Outcome study at a major cancer center. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 28, 244–249.

Intervention Characteristics/Basic Study Process

  • Massage therapy (i.e., Swedish, light touch, foot); manipulation of soft tissue
  • Average time: 20 minutes for inpatients and 60 minutes for outpatients
  • Tactile stimulation is essential to development and survival.

Sample Characteristics

  • N = 1,290 patients
  • No demographics were provided.
  • KEY SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: Fatigue was a presenting symptom in 312 patients.


  • SETTING TYPE: Inpatient and outpatient settings
  • LOCATION: A large, specialized cancer center

Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

  • PHASE OF CARE: Active treatment, long-term follow-up

Study Design

  • Retrospective review of clinical data from first massage episode

Measurement Instruments/Methods

  • Numeric rating scale (0–10) of extent to which fatigue was experienced as bothersome (0 = not at all bothersome; 10 = extremely bothersome) on a 5\" x 8\" card
  • Other measures: Pain, nausea, anxiety


  • Mean fatigue improved from 4.7–2.7, which is a 40.7% reduction.
  • When patients with a fatigue score of more than 4 were included, fatigue decreased from a mean of 6.6 (SD = 1.8) to a mean of 3.8 (SD = 2.6).
  • Effects were smaller and less persistent in inpatients.


  • No control or randomization was included.
  • The sample was not described.
  • Fatigue change scores were reported for the total sample at baseline and post-treatment only; however, in a subgroup followed at 12-, 24-, and 48-hours post-massage, the effects of massage on symptom distress were sustained in outpatients. The effects of massage were smaller and less persistent for inpatients, but the researchers noted that inpatients tended to receive shorter massage treatments in less comfortable settings than did outpatients. The relationship between the length of massage treatment and the size and duration of effects is worthy of further study.   
  • Weak or cachectic patients may only tolerate foot massage.
  • A licensed massage therapist is needed; otherwise, the intervention is inexpensive.

Nursing Implications

Promising results warrant a controlled trial.

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