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Melatonin - Topical

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the pineal gland that has numerous biologic effects, including antioxidant properties and potential effects on the sleep-wake cycle and immune system functions. A topical melatonin containing emulsion was studied for its effect on radiodermatitis.

Mepitel Film

Mepitel film is a transparent film dressing used for skin protection.

Mucosite Mouthwash

Mucosite mouthwash is a solution composed of verbascoside (a chemical present in many plants used for flavoring and medicines that has antioxidant properties) and sodium hyaluronate (a chemical found in the body that holds moisture and has been shown to facilitate wound healing).

Multicomponent Rehabilitative Intervention

Multicomponent rehabilitative intervention may be understood as an interdisciplinary service aimed at ameliorating physical impairments, preventing the development of physical impairments and restrictions in activity and role performance that develop in association with cancer pathology (e.g., muscle weakness, self-care limitations, vocational limitations, disfigurement, speech and swallowing abnormalities, social integration), and preserving and restoring functional capability needed for purposeful activity. 

Neurokinin-1 Receptor Antagonist (NK1)

Neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptor antagonists are in a class of drug used to treat nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy. Aprepitant, casopitant, fosaprepitant, and rolapitant are NK1 drugs. In January 2018, the FDA posted a warning​ about ​Varubi® (rolapitant) injectable emulsion, which is used for prevention of delayed CINV in adults, ​and the risk of anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock and other serious hypersensitivity reactions.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a fat obtained from olive trees and contains multiple components that help reduce inflammation. In addition to culinary and religious uses, olive oil has been used as a skin cleanser, moisturizer, and antibacterial agent.

Positive Expiratory Pressure and Self-Monitoring

Positive expiratory pressure involves breathing against an airway resistance provided by a flute-like device. This approach has been used for lung training and to open and clear airways. This intervention, along with patient self-monitoring of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), was evaluated for its effect on the development of pneumonia in high-risk patients with cancer. FEV1 monitoring was used for early detection of pulmonary deterioration, enabling early diagnostic testing and interventions as needed.

Preoperative Care Bundle

A care bundle is a set of evidence-based interventions provided simultaneously rather than as single interventions. A care bundle aimed at reducing the prevalence of postoperative pneumonia among patients undergoing surgery for esophageal cancer was tested. This bundle consisted of three breathing exercises, two oral care procedures, and nutritional care, and smoking cessation was taught to patients preoperatively for the prevention of infection.

Protective Isolation

Protective isolation was evaluated in patients with cancer and involved placing a patient in a single room and use of clean gowns, gloves, and masks for people entering the room as well as control of air quality. Protective isolation has been used for immunosuppressed patients with cancer for prevention of infection.

Risk Model-Based CINV Prophylaxis

Risk model based chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) prophylaxis is the provision of an antiemetic regimen based on a combination of patient-centered factors as well as treatment factors for the determination of CINV risk. Individual risk scores for acute and delayed CINV are calculated according to predictors identified, including younger age, history of motion or morning sickness, low daily alcohol consumptions, patient expectation of having CINV, emesis in previous chemotherapy cycles, and receiving platinum- or anthracycline-based chemotherapy.

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