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Infrared Phototherapy

Near infrared or infrared phototherapy involves the application of near infrared wavelength light. This approach was studied for its effect on oral mucositis in patients with cancer.

Influenza Vaccination

Influenza vaccination is the provision of annual vaccine against influenza with inactivated influenza virus. Several organizations have published guidelines on vaccination of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) recipients (see Center for Disease Control and the European Bone Marrow Transplant Group), and National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines provide general principles regarding vaccination use in patients with cancer. Live attenuated vaccines have the potential to cause disease in compromised patients, however other vaccines are safe.


Infliximab is a monoclonal antibody that can counter tumor necrosis factor. Infliximab has been used to treat autoimmune diseases. Researchers have studied the effect of infliximab on depression in patients with cancer, because some depressed patients have an elevated level of inflammatory cytokines.

Individual Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy involves a variety of approaches to structured therapeutic interaction, between a trained professional and a client, that address problems that are psychological in nature. Individual psychotherapy involves provision of therapy to a single individual in a private setting.

Indigowood Root

Isatis indigotica Fort. (indigowood) is a medicinal plant belonging to the Brassicaceae family. Its root is a commonly used Chinese herb to remove toxic heat, to reduce heat in blood, and to relieve convulsions. According to modern medical research, the major components of radix of Isatis indigotica Fort. include indirubin, indigotone, and indigo pigment contents, with antivirus, fever detoxification, and anti-inflammatory efficacy. Indigowood root has been evaluated in mucositis.

Implantable Gentamycin Sponge

Insertion of a sponge containing gentamycin along the incision line prior to surgical closure was examined in patients with cancer undergoing colorectal surgery for its effect on development of surgical infections.

Immediate Release Opioids (Systemic)

Opioids are narcotic analgesics. Immediate-release opioids, which are fast acting, have been evaluated for its usefulness in relieving dyspnea in patients with cancer and other palliative care patients with dyspnea symptoms. Fentanyl, a type of opioid, is considered separately in the categorization of relevant evidence for dyspnea treatment. Healthcare professionals should be aware of the different formulations for these medications, the length of their half-life, and the onset of action.

Hypogastric Neurolysis

Neural block of the hypogastric plexus involved injection of an anesthetic solution into the superior hypogastric plexus. This procedure has been tested for effectiveness in pain relief for patients with cancer pain in the pelvis.


hypnotic state is a state between wakefulness and sleep, a state of heightened concentration and receptivity that results in suspension of peripheral cues. The effect of a hypnotic state results in alteration of perception and attention. Hypnosis has been tested for its effect on pain, anxiety, depression, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV), hot flashes, and fatigue in patients with cancer.

Hypnosis for Anticipatory CINV

Hypnosis is a state between wakefulness and sleep, a state of heightened focal concentration and receptivity, an altered state of consciousness of a state of focused attention that results in suspension of peripheral cues. The effect of a hypnotic state results in alteration in perception and attention. Hypnosis has been tested for effect in pain, anxiety, depression, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV), hot flashes, and fatigue in patients with cancer.

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