
Caring for Staff: The Role of Psychiatric Mental Health Advanced Practice RNs in Supporting Oncology Nurses

Ruth Frankenfield

Kathrynn Thompson Amy Lindsey

Amy E. Rettig

oncology nursing, mental health, compassion fatigue, advanced practice nurses
CJON 2018, 22(5), 569-572. DOI: 10.1188/18.CJON.569-572

Compassion fatigue and burnout are well-established experiences for oncology nurses, often resulting in distress and reduced job satisfaction and prompting nurses to leave the profession altogether. Multiple interventions have been developed to better support nurses experiencing these phenomena, with varying success.


  • In the complex care of patients with cancer, more resources are needed to support the health and well-being of oncology nurses.
  • Psychiatric mental health advanced practice RNs can develop programs that address resilience, coping, moral distress, and compassion fatigue.
  • A nurse-led interprofessional approach can support the emotional health and well-being of oncology nurses.
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