
Blood and Marrow Transplantation RN Fellowship: Design, Outcomes, and Facilitating Transition to Practice

Brenda Diaz

Anne Corbett

April Camiling-Burke

blood and marrow transplantation, nurse fellowship, stem cell transplantation
CJON 2018, 22(6), 673-675. DOI: 10.1188/18.CJON.673-675

Recruiting and retaining blood and marrow transplantation (BMT) nurses remains challenging. In accordance with the Institute of Medicine recommendation to establish programs to prepare nurses for transition to specialty practice areas, a BMT fellowship program was designed and implemented at a large academic medical center. The yearlong fellowship program consists of monthly class sessions, observation experiences, case study presentations, and evidence-based project development. Outcomes related to retention, certification, and scholarship are presented.


  • The BMT RN fellowship addresses a gap in training nurses from diverse levels of clinical experience in a specialty area.
  • The fellowship supports retention of participants and certification.
  • With leadership support, staff nurses are empowered to develop evidence-based and nursing research projects.
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