
Posting With a Purpose: Improving Social Media Strategies to Communicate With Younger Generations

Paula Trahan Rieger

Cathy L. Rozmus

millennials, social media, communication, nursing, generational cohorts
CJON 2021, 25(3), 337-341. DOI: 10.1188/21.CJON.337-341

The presence of four generations in the workplace and professional associations, paired with the advent of social media outlets as a dominant form of communication, suggests opportunities for improving communication strategies to better appeal to younger generations. This process improvement initiative sought to improve communication processes within a local chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society by using more diverse posting strategies that would speak to members’ professional needs and included strategies encouraging members to view and engage with posts.


  • The millennial nursing workforce requires diverse strategies for communication and engagement in professional nursing organizations.
  • Leveraging social media platforms can be a successful means to communicate with and promote engagement of multigenerational members. 
  • A pilot project employing social media strategies provided insight into the types of media resulting in the greatest engagement, specifically video postings, followed by photos of chapter members along with recent accomplishments.
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