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Pilocarpine is a cholinergic agonist. It works by increasing the amount of saliva in the mouth. It is used to treat dry mouth and mucositis caused by radiotherapy in people with head and neck cancer. Pilocarpine comes as a tablet to take by mouth.


Phenylbutyrate Mouthwash

Phenylbutarate is a chemical compound that is a type of gene modulator that can reduce oxidative stress induced tissue damage and is currently an approved drug for urea cycle disorder. A mouth rinse containing phenylbutarate was studied for its effects on mitigating oral mucositis in patients with cancer.


PG2 is an investigational drug extracted from Astragalus membranaceus, which appear to have an effect on the hematopoiesis system. PG2 was studied in patients with cancer for its effect on fatigue.


Petroleum-Based Topical Agents

Petroleum-based topical agents are chemical agents or ointments for application to the skin that contain a mixture of hydrocarbons, available as over-the-counter skin protectants.  Petroleum-based products have been used in the management of skin reactions associated with cancer therapies.

Perioperative Drug Combinations

Researchers have assessed several drug combinations, administered in the preoperative and perioperative periods, in regard to management of the acute pain of patients with cancer. Drug combinations assessed include morphine + acetaminophen + ketoprofen + naproxen and acetaminophen + dexamethasone + dextromethorphan + celecoxib + gabapentin.


Pentoxifylline is a methylxanthine derivative approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of intermittent claudication. It can inhibit tumor necrosis factor alpha production, reducing plasma levels of this cytokine, which is thought to be a mediator in cancer-associated anorexia and cachexia (Goldberg et al., 1995). Pentoxifylline was evaluated in anorexia.

Pentosan Polysulfate

Pentosan polysulfate is a medication that is similar to low-molecular-weight heparin, which has been used in the treatment of  interstitial cystitis. In this condition, it reduces bladder pain, apparently by reducing irritation of the bladder wall. Pentosan polysulfate has been evaluated in patients with cancer for treatment of radiation-induced diarrhea.

Peer Counseling

Peer counseling is support and guidance provided by a trained nonprofessional who has a similar symptom or health problem (Schover et al., 2006). Peer counseling was examined as an intervention for hot flashes and depression. Aspects of peer counseling may also be incorporated into a broader range of supportive and psychoeducational interventions that have been tested in multiple topic areas.


Payayor is an herb that has been used in Thailand for burns, insect bites, rashes, herpes simplex and herpes zoster wounds, and varicella zoster infection. The scientific name is Clinacanthus nutans (Burm. f.). Payayor was evaluated for use in managing mucositis in patients with cancer.

Patient Education

Patient education is the process by which healthcare providers impart information to patients. Through patient education, health professionals help patients gain increased knowledge, a skill, or a value or attitude about a health problem or health promotion. 

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