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Repifermin is a keratinocyte growth factor that stimulates the production and differentiation of keratinocytes. Keratinocytes are primarily found in the skin and are involved in epithelialization of wounds. Repifermin was evaluated in patients with cancer in the treatment of mucositis.

Remifentanil PCA

Remifentanil is an opioid that is a fentanyl derivative. Researchers have examined the effectiveness of remifentanil administered by patient controlled analgesia (PCA) in managing acute pain.

Relaxation Therapy

Relaxation therapies differ in philosophy and method. In any case, the goal is to use the power of the mind and body to achieve a sense of relaxation and lowered metabolism. Relaxation therapy interventions may incorporate breathing exercises and involve relaxing the body. These interventions may involve techniques such as diversion or visualization. Relaxation therapy differs from progressive muscle relaxation in that the specific technique of sequential muscle relaxation is not necessarily used.

Relaxation and Visual Imagery

Visual imagery involves the mental visualization and imagination to enhance relaxation and alter specific experiences and may or may not include direct suggestion. It may differ from guided imagery in that the process may not be highly specific and aimed at imagining a relaxed setting or memory. Relaxation may involve breathing exercises but not the specific process of progressive muscle relaxation.


Reiki (pronounced "RAY-kee") is a form of "energy healing" that uses vibration drawn through the practitioner into the recipient, in accordance with the recipient’s need. Proponents hypothesize that Reike re-establishes the energy balance in areas of the body associated with discomfort, thus promoting healing and increasing quality of life. Researchers have evaluated Reike in patients with cancer for its impact on anxiety, depression, pain, and fatigue.

Regional Cooling

Regional cooling involves the application of ice packs to the wrists and ankles during chemotherapy infusion. As with cryotherapy, cooling is theorized to cause vasoconstriction and decreased circulation of the chemotherapeutic drug in the regional area, less extravasation into surrounding tissue, and a resulting reduction in cutaneous toxicity.


Reflexology involves the application of pressure to specific zones, on the feet and hands, that reflect other areas of the body. Using the thumb, fingers, or hand on these zones creates a change in the related body part. In patients with cancer, researchers have evaluated the effect of reflexology on pain, anxiety, dyspnea, fatigue, and depression.

Rectal Steroid Administration

Steroids are a type of compound that contain a characteristic chemical structure. Steroid drugs have anti-inflammatory activity. The use of a steroid enema has been investigated for its effect on the prevention of bleeding in patients undergoing pelvic radiation. 

Recombinant Factor VII

Factor VII is one of the clotting factors involved in the coagulation cascade that produces blood clotting. Recombinant factor VII is synthesized and produces the same effects as that which is plasma-derived. It is primarily used for prevention and control of hemorrhage in individuals with factor VII deficiency. Recombinant factor VII has been evaluated in patients with cancer for prevention and control of bleeding.

Recombinant Epidermal Growth Factor (RhEGF)

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) regulates epithelial cell proliferation, growth, and migration. In addition, it has an effect on angiogenesis for the nutritional support of tissues. Thus, EGF may have an effect on wound healing and tissue generation. Synthesized RehEGF has been studied as an intervention for mucositis.

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