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Support Group

Support group interventions involve informal or structured peer group sessions that provide a forum for sharing experiences, information, etc., among peers. Support groups have been examined for effectiveness in patients with cancer for management of anxiety and sleep-wake disturbances.


Sunscreen is a product applied to the skin to protect it from two types of harmful rays: ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB). The sun protection factor (SPF) number indicates a rating of the strength of skin protection, where higher numbers indicate greater protection. Sunscreen use has implications in patients with cancer for the prevention and management of skin toxicities associated with radiation therapy and skin exposure or chemotherapy.


Sucralfate is an ulcer drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa. The drug causes an increase in the level of prostaglandins and binds basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), protecting it from acid degradation. It is angiogenic, increasing blood flow. Systemic use with oral administration has been studied for diarrhea, mucositis, and radiodermatitis. Topical use has been tested as an intervention for radiodermatitis.

Structured Assessment

Structured assessment involves the incorporation of standardized assessment tools into usual care practices in order to provide staff with quantitative data on patient outcomes. The effects of this approach on patient and caregiver outcomes has been examined in the topics of depression and caregiver strain and burden

Steroid for Bone Flare Pain

Steroids are a type of compound that contain characteristic chemical structures and have anti-inflammatory properties. Systemic administration of steroids has been examined for its effect on bone flare pain, a temporary acute response that can occur as a side effect of radiotherapy treatment for bone metastases.

STEPP Protocol

STEPP (Skin Toxicity Evaluation Protocol With Panitumumab) refers to a set combination of interventions aimed at the prevention of skin toxicity. The protocol began a day prior to chemotherapy administration and comprised skin moisturizer used daily, sunscreen (sun protection factor [SPF] ≥ 15 with both ultraviolet A [UVA] and ultraviolet B [UVB] protection) applied prior to going outdoors, topical steroid applied to various skin areas at bedtime, and doxycycline 100 mg taken BID.

Stellate Ganglion Block

This procedure is an injection of anesthetic into the area of the stellate ganglion for treatment of neuropathies and pain in upper extremity, thorax, face, or neck. The mechanism of action of the stellate ganglion block is not completely clear, but it is thought to work by producing peripheral vasodilation, resulting in neural inhibition in the ganglion's sphere of innervations (Lipov et al., 2008). The procedure has been studied for the management of hot flashes and sleep-wake disturbances.

Staff Training

Staff training involves education of individuals involved in delivery of care in various content and procedures. Staff training aimed at various aspects of care has been evaluated for its effect on patient outcomes in patients with cancer, such as prevention of infection. Staff training is necessary and recommended by various guidelines for infection prevention, but evidence suggests that training alone is not sufficient to improve outcomes.

Spiritual Interventions

Spiritual interventions are approaches that involve religious or existential aspects such as finding meaning and purpose in life. Spiritual interventions may include activities such as spiritual counseling, meaning-focused meditation, or psychotherapy. Religiously oriented spiritual interventions include activities such as prayer, worship, and religious rituals. Spiritual interventions have been studied for their effects on anxiety and depression among patients with cancer.


Soy, a plant in the pea family, has been common in Asian diets for thousands of years. It is found in modern American diets as a food or food additive. Soybeans, the high-protein seeds of the soy plant, contain isoflavones—compounds similar to the female hormone estrogen. Some studies suggest that soy isoflavone supplements may reduce hot flashes in women after menopause. The safety of long-term use of soy isoflavones has not been established. Soy has been studied as an intervention for hot flashes in patients with cancer.

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