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Sound Wave and Vacuum Treatment

Sound wave and vacuum treatment consists of an electro-medical device that uses both electro-sound waves and vacuum mechanisms. The device generates low-frequency, low-intensity microcurrents, and electrodes generate vacuum action.


Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol that has been used as a nonstimulant, osmotic-type laxative. Ingestion draws water into the bowel lumen by osmosis, stimulating bowel movement. Sorbitol has been evaluated in patients with cancer for the management of constipation.

Sodium Sucrose Octasulfate (Na SOS)

Sodium sucrose octasulfate is a chemical compound. A similar compound, aluminum sucrose octasulfate (sucralfate), has been used clinically for the prevention of gastrointestinal ulcers and was found to have cytoprotective effects. The sodium and aluminum compounds are contents of various cosmetics for skin care.  Sodium sucrose octasulfate was evaluated in patients with cancer for the prevention and management of radiodermatitis.

Sodium Picosulfate

Picosulfate acts on nerves in the intestinal wall to increase muscle contractions. Sodium picosulfate is a stimulant laxative. This treatment has been examined in patients with cancer for constipation relief.

Sodium Bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate is a chemical compound that is mildly alkaline. It is also known as baking soda and bicarbonate of soda.

Skin Hygiene and Care

Skin hygiene and care refers to consistent skin cleaning with mild soaps and skin care, usually including moisturizers. Good skin hygiene and moisturizers are important for patients with lymphedema for prevention of skin breakdown or infection. In the past, in patients receiving radiotherapy, washing the skin and continuation of use of moisturizers or lotions on the skin in the radiation field was controversial. Effects of skin hygiene and care, such as moisturizers, was evaluated in patients with cancer related to lymphedema and radiodermatitis.

Skin Combination Protocols

Skin combination protocols are a combination of various interventions designed to prevent or treat skin toxicity in patients undergoing treatment for cancer. Protocols vary according to the intent to prevent or treat skin toxicities and include a combination of patient education, recommendations, and topical application of products or medications. 

Single Agent Dexamethasone

Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid. Corticosteroids, as single agents, are recommended as an antiemetic regimen in low-emetogenic chemotherapy (LEC) and have been examined for effect on fatigue.

Silver Sulfadiazine

Silver sulfadiazine is an antibacterial agent that has been used as a topical cream on burns. Silver sulfadiazine has been studied for its effect in patients with cancer for radiodermatitis.

Silver Leaf Dressings

Silver is known to have antimicrobial effects, and silver leaf nylon dressing has been shown to enhance healing with burns and skin grafts, as well as have anti-infective properties. Use of silver leaf nylon dressing was evaluated in patients with cancer for the treatment of radiodermatitis.

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