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Mesna is a chemical compound that has cytoprotective and antioxidant effects. It can be administered orally or intravenously. Mesna has been evaluated in patients with cancer for the prevention and treatment of bleeding as an adjuvant to specific chemotherapeutic agents.


Memantine acts on the glutamatergic system by blocking NMDA receptors. It has been used to treat moderate to severe dementia and has been studied in patients with cancer. 


Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the pineal gland that has numerous biologic effects, including antioxidant properties and potential effects on the sleep-wake cycle and immune system functions. Melatonin is available as a dietary supplement. Long-term effects of supplementation are not known. Melatonin has been studied for its effect on anorexia, depression, fatigue, sleep-wake disturbances, and cognitive impairment in people with cancer.


Meditation refers to a variety of practices to focus the mind and increase awareness. A person who is meditating may use certain techniques, such as specific postures and attention to breathing. Meditation has been examined as a way to address anxiety, cognitive impairment, depression, sleep-wake disturbances, and fatigue in patients with cancer. It has also been examined as a way to address caregiver strain and burden.

Medical Clowning

Medical clowning is the use of trained clowns in the healthcare setting to distract, empower, and relieve stress or other symptoms among pediatric patients and their families through humor and laughter.

Mechanical Exercise Device

One exercise facilitating device studied consisted of a pulley system with a metal wheel fixed on a support at a specified distance from the patient's body, aimed at controlling joint movement and spine posture during arm exercises. Other types of devices have been designed and studied to provide mechanical assistance for exercise.

Massage/Aromatherapy Massage

Massage therapy involves the manipulation of the soft-tissue with various hand movements (e.g., rubbing, kneading, pressing, rolling, slapping, tapping). Massage therapy can elicit a relaxation response as measured by decreases in heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration. Often, massage is complemented with aromatherapy (i.e., essential oils combined with a carrier cream or oil to manipulate the soft tissues). Aromatherapy has been used together with massage in some studies.

Manuka and Kanuka

Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) and kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) are indigenous to New Zealand and have been used medicinally by both Maori and early European colonists. Both of these essential oils are known to have antibacterial and antifungal activity and contain subtances that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions. Manuka and kanuka were examined for their effect on mucositis.

Manual Lymph Drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a treatment technique that uses a series of rhythmic light strokes to reduce swelling and improve the return of lymph to the circulatory system.

Managing Patient Expectations

Managing patient expectations involves influencing the patient regarding the anticipation of symptom development or effectiveness of an intervention through education and discussion. This type of intervention is based on the idea that if patients expect to have a problem, they are more likely to do so, and if patients expect an intervention for symptoms to be effective, it is more likely to be effective. Education and discussion are pointed to diminish negative expectations.

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