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Neomycin is an aminoglycoside broad-spectrum antibiotic that is typically used as a topical treatment but also is available as an oral medication for use in reducing bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Neomycin has been evaluated for the management of chemotherapy-induced diarrhea.


Nefopam is a centrally acting nonopioid analgesic that may have a potentiating effect on opioids. It has anticholinergic and sympathomimetic effects. It is contraindcated in people with convulsive disorders and patients taking MAO inhibitors. Nefopam is widely used for acute pain in European countries.

Needleless IV System

Intravenous tubing and devices for connecting IV catheters, administration sets, and syringes have been used to reduce the risk of needle-stick injuries. Needleless systems include a wide variety of devices and designs. The effects of needleless systems compared to the previously conventional Luer cap system were examined for differences in central line-associated infections in patients with cancer.

Nebulized Opioids

Nebulized opioids are a formulation of the drug that is diluted and provided in a form that can be inhaled. Nebulized opioids have been evaluated in patients for the management of dyspnea.

Nebulized Lidocaine

Lidocaine is an anesthetic agent. In nebulized form for inhalation, it has been evaluated for treatment of dyspnea.

Nebulized Furosemide

Furosemide is a diuretic. In nebulized form for inhalation, it has been evaluated in patients for treatment of dyspnea.

Navigation/Care Coordination

Patient navigation in the cancer care setting is defined by ONS, the Association of Oncology Social Work, and the National Association of Social Workers as individualized assistance offered to patients, families, and caregivers to help overcome healthcare system barriers and facilitate timely access to quality health and psychosocial care from prediagnosis through all phases of the cancer experience.

Natural Environment Intervention

Natural environment intervention involves patient exposure to the natural environment through various activities.  This type of intervention was examined among patients with cancer for its effect on anxiety, cognitive impairment, and fatigue.

Narrative Interview

A narrative interview is an interview in which the interviewee can tell his or her story and experience and express feelings. This approach is aimed at allowing patients to focus on issues that are of concern to them and reflect on actions that might be helpful to them. Researchers have studied the use of the narrative interview as a treatment for anxiety and depression in patients with cancer.

Naproxen for Colony-Stimulating Factor-Related Bone Pain

Naproxen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is used for pain relief. In patients with cancer, naproxen has also been specifically examined for its effectiveness in reducing bone pain associated with use of colony-stimulating factors.

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